Chapter Nine

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'Cold,' I thought to myself as I began to wake up. It was a slow progress as there was something cold pressing against my cheek.

As my eyes opened I found out that my pillow was the cold countertop in my kitchen. I smacked my lips as I gently raised myself up off of the glossed top, my hands rubbing my eyes to rid them of sleep.

"I must've accidently fallen asleep." I said to myself as I sighed and looked out past my apartment window. The city's buildings were gently reflecting the sunlight that was brought to the world on that Saturday morning.

It was finally the weekend, the time for me to relax at home and catch up on the small things that I needed to get done. I began to run a mental note on what it is that I have to get done before Sunday.

House cleaning
Grocery shopping
File cases

My Saturday's were used to prepare for my Sunday, which involved making calls to my patients and checking up with their progress on things and making points that we can talk about in their next session. Of course I wouldn't directly ask them what's wrong, but I had the ability to pick up on small details that can often lead to a very bigger picture.

I decided to make a start on my list before it got too late and I didn't have time to relax. I slowly stretched, still in my work clothes, before gently pushing myself off of the kitchen stool and undressing myself as I walked towards my bedroom, where my laundry basket was kept.

As I placed my now disregarded work clothes into the basket I quickly slipped on my weekend clothes. This was just a plain old jumper and a pair of jeans- which I thought were the most comfy pants.

I picked the basket up with a soft sigh before taking it to the laundromat that was downstairs in my apartment building. As I walked down the stairs, I had a thought that I don't usually have I wondered about one of my clients, one in specific. What surprised me is that I don't do that often.

"I wonder what Jungkook is doing."


"I wonder what (Y/N) is doing."

I thought to myself as I sat in the corner of the dance studio while scrolling through my phone, doing nothing but mindlessly glancing at random memes that happened to be on my timeline while I tried to avoid practicing.

I loved it, don't get me wrong.

There is nothing that I loved more than dancing and expressing myself in a way that some people can't. Being able to sing as well as dancing in such an expressive way was just another talent that someone can have.

But today was different. Today we were called in for rehearsals and I felt sick. I felt light headed and awful. I wasn't sure why because I have drank plenty of water and eaten as much as I need to or as much as the managers let me.

I know that it's to keep us in shape, but they should monitor our dieting- not control it.

But when I walked into the studio today I felt like I had no energy at all, I didn't even want to walk let alone do a whole dance rehearsal which consists of stopping and going at any given time. Whether it was an accident or something that needed to be changed, nothing about rehearsals were easy.

"Jungkook-ah!" The choreographer shouted to me while he stood with the other members, "are you paying attention to what I'm saying?"

I barely had the strength to keep my eyes open let alone listen to a very loud and demanding man.

"Yes," I replied quietly- trying to make my life less obvious, "I'm listening."

The choreographer knew that I wasn't but he wanted to get the rehearsal underway so he looked over my response and continued to discuss how much harder we had to work in order to make these dance moves possible.

The very thought of dancing was making me feel nauseated, I was afraid of what was going to happen. But I didn't want to let anyone down, especially not my hyung's. They have worked very hard to try and support me as best as they can. I can't help but feel guilty for it.

"Let's begin then!" The choreographer said in his loud voice, giving the members the signal to take their positions. I stood up and slowly walked over to my position in front of Jimin-hyung. My shoulders slouched and my head barely staying up.

"Jungkookie," Jimin whispered softly, "are you ok?"

Jimin was one of the most caring members in our group, and usually I would've answered him. But today I couldn't, today I just started dancing.

As the music began we all started to move to how we were taught, the choreographer stood off to the side and paced around behind us so that we could watch our movements in the mirror in front of us.

I immediately saw that I couldn't keep up with the rest of the members, I was slowing down the flow of the choreography and missing steps. In the mirror, through my hair, I could see the members looking at me with confused and worried expressions as they easily kept up with the pace of the rehearsal.

But I was falling behind.

I felt my legs behind to shake, my knees beginning to go numb as my whole body felt like it was giving up on me. It wasn't long before my vision began to blur and I couldn't see my reflection clearly anymore. I began to sweat way more than I needed to, especially since I wasn't keeping up with the other members.

And then everything seemed to stop, and I felt a cool touch come up and meet my side as the music faded away. I thought that we had finished, that the music had been turned off. So I let my eyes rest and the noise around me began to fade out.


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