Chapter Two

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I observed my patient Jeon Jungkook as he tried to find the words that he could use to start off his worries. He looked as if he was finding it difficult to express how he was feeling.

This didn't surprise me one bit, as I knew that it was difficult for idols to open up about their feelings when all they have done is bottle it up for months if not years.

"I guess I would start with the fans," he began as he crossed his arms while staring at the coffee table, unable to make eye contact with me as he began to speak.

'Looks as if he is ashamed of opening up.'

"It is their screams that distract me the most. The way the yell and cry out my name is enough to drive me insane. I love them, don't get me wrong of course," he paused as his eyes gently lined with tears, "but the amount of noise that I've heard keeps me up at night. I can never be in silence anymore. Everywhere I turn there is noise. I just want to be in silence."

I nodded my head to him to let him know that I was lisenting to him. I believe that was the key to his treatment. The willingness to be reguarded as someone who has been heard.

"It's a lot. But on top of that there is the press, interviews, dance practices, concerts, meet and greets," the more he explained, the closer he hugged his legs to his chest as he felt his tears build up in his eyes, "there is so much that I can't handle anymore."

I nodded as I sat up straight in my chair and watched him for a moment. That's when I met his gaze, and he immediately let his tears fall down his cheeks as he realised how much he needed to let out of his heart.

"Do you talk to your members about this?" I asked him, fully prepared to have him not answer the question. Usually patients like this tend to not want to answer any questions whatsoever until the third or fourth session.

But Jungkook was different.

"It's hard to talk to them when I'm with them so much," he admitted as he wiped his tears away with the back of his sleeve while sniffiling, "being around them just makes me realise that they have their own issues and that they don't need to deal with my ones. They have their own worries and fears to take on. In perspective of personalities we are all very different."

"You don't feel that confiding in them is healthy for neither you or them?" I questioned, earning a slow nod from the maknae as he cleared his throat.

"They shouldn't have to worry about my problems. If I have them I should be able to deal with them myself like they do. But apparently I can't," he paused and did a half-hearted chuckle, "I wouldn't be here if I could."

I frowned at him for a moment before I decided that it was time to slowly address the situation.

"Like you said yourself, you are all very different. That means that you all differently cope with certain things. As you stated, the screams of the fans keep you awake at night but for another member it could be the one thing that helps them fall asleep,"

I sat forward and remained persistent in my attempt to break through Jungkook's emotional wall that he had built around himself.

"And that being said, being different is good. You can't be comparing yourself to the other members of the group when you are all so different. Because that's the thing that make each of you so special, your differences."

Jungkook's eyes softened as he continued to hold his legs close to his chest. I wasn't sure how I was going to help Jungkook when he didn't even look like he was comfortable. I realised that it was going to be a challenge for him and I as we both were trying something new.

He was trying to open up and I was trying to understand him.

Usually with patients I didn't have to try so hard in the first session. My mind was never one to have to think about what I should say or how I should say it. I myself didn't even feel comfortable enough to listen to the best of my extent. Something about his gaze put me off.

But that just made want to dig deeper into this man's mind.

"Maybe opening yourself up to the men that you've known for seven years can do you some good." I told him in a soft voice, watching as he released the embrace around his legs and now sat on the couch in a limp state as he processed everything that he was being told.

"Do you really think that I can do it?" Jungkook asked me with a certain plea in his voice. It almost sounded like he wanted me to tell him yes even if I thought no. I gave him the truth, and that seemed to be enough for him.

"I think you can do as much as you allow yourself to. Yes I do believe that you can do it but I can't guarantee that it will be easy for you to do this considering that you have a lot that is built up in your mind." I explained to him and he nodded his head slowly before his lip curled upwards for a split moment before returning to a firm and hard line.

"You have a way of making your words not only be heard, but understood," his gaze met mine before he chuckled, "I like the straightforwardness. I suppose that is the next thing that I should talk about."

He leant his head back against the rest and stared at the ceiling as he began to release all the things that clouded his mind in that moment.

"Everyone treats me like I'm something so important. I don't want to have someone doing something for me that I can do so easily myself. It's spoiling. I'm still a capable human, and yet I'm being treated as if I'm some sort of king. I don't want that." His fingertips gently grazed across the material of the couch as he traced invisible patterns.

"You want to be taken seriously." I said as I nodded my head and jotted points down in my notebook as he agreed with my statement before rolling his head around and arching it towards me and speaking,

"And at the moment, you're the only one who has done exactly that."

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