Chapter One

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'Longing for affection and or human contact. The dating ban is taking its toll upon the patient mentally and physically.'

I wrote on my notepad as I faced the troubled idol as she wept about how she longed for a genuine person to be with while she lay across the couch in my office.

All too often I've seen idols suffering because of the dating ban that the companies place upon them as soon as the contract has been signed. But this girl was a special case. She seemed to thrive and have most of her happiness collected from the affection of others.

"The members in my group try and help me but it just isn't the same as having someone to love. Call me crazy but that is how I feel." She wiped the tears from her eyes as she stared at the ceiling in dismay.

I nodded my head before speaking, "you aren't crazy. Having the longing for someone's touch is a very common thing amongst idols."

She turned to me with wide eyes as she propped herself up on her elbows, "I-It is?"

I gently smiled to her as I nodded my head and adjusted my notepad. Sometimes they didn't even realise that they weren't alone in the first place.

"You see, an idol can be in a group of seven plus people and still feel unsatisfied. Feeling alone or
un-loved is a very common feeling but it can be overcome if you are willing to try what I suggest."

"I'll do anything." She stated, her eyes pleading with me to give her some way out of the sadness she was drowning in.

"You only want to feel affection romantically,"
I began, "I suggest that you open your heart to the other members of your group and willingly except their love as you give them yours. You would be pleasantly surprised how well this can work."

She gently sniffed before sitting upright on the couch and looking down at her feet in thought. I took notes on her as I observed her processing her thoughts.


"I think I would like to try that.." she said, looking up to me with a small smile on her lips as she wiped her remaining tears away. I looked to the clock on my wall before standing and walking over to her.

"Your session is now over. I'll see you next week and I know I'll hear great things from you." I gave her a reassuring smile as I helped her up from the couch and gave her a very small hug to try and ease her into my suggested exercise.

"Yes," she said as she returned my hug and walked with me towards the door with her handbag strapped to her side, "thank you so much (Y/N)."

I waved her goodbye before walking behind the reception desk and looking at the next patient on the list.

"He is a new patient." My receptionist informed me as she handed me the piece of paper containing the information of the patient in question. And I was shocked but not surprised.

"Jeon Jungkook." I read aloud and gave a small sigh as I left the reception desk and walked into the waiting room to fetch the young idol. I wasn't surprised that he would end up here, I can imagine that all the fame that he had gathered ever so quickly  had become too much for him to handle alone.

As I stepped into the waiting room I spotted the male who sat in a chair with his arms crossed and his head hanging to the floor as he refused to look up. Beside him sat a man that I recognised as Kim Taehyung.

I read the sheet of paper and saw that Taehyung would be here to drop Jungkook off for an hour session to start off with and would be here to pick him up afterwards.

"Jungkook," I said softly and invitingly as I could as I attempted to create a safe environment for the idol, "let's head to my office."

Jungkook slowly raised his head and stood up from his seat with Taehyung following close behind him.

"I'll be right here when you're finished Jungkook-ah, I believe in you." The older male gently patted the youngers shoulder before acknowledging me with a nod and left the waiting room.

I began to lead Jungkook down to my office and opened the door for him. I watched as he avoided eye contact with me as he entered the room. He stood awkwardly as he waited to be told when he could sit after I had closed the door.

"You may sit wherever you'd like. Please use this space to make yourself comfortable." I told Jungkook as I grabbed my notepad and sat in my chair as I watched him look around the room slowly before choosing to sit down on the couch with his legs crossed.

'Nervous, uncomfortable, silent.' I wrote on my page.

"So let me introduce myself," I began in a soft voice, "my name is Park (Y/N) and you may call me by any name you wish. I want you to know that this room is your safe haven. Whatever you are feeling or thinking can be released here, and I can do whatever you wish me to do."

Jungkook looked up and met my eyes as I sat opposite him on my chair, "what do you mean by that?" He asked in a raspy voice.


"It means that I may be a person that gives advice or I can just be a person that sits and listens to you. It is whatever you desire to have."

Jungkook sat in silence as he processed my statement and looked around the room to take in the calming pictures and vased flowers as he pondered on his choice.

"I think...I would like you to listen." He spoke.

I nodded as I adjusted my seating position and nodded my head to Jungkook with an encouraging smile as I prepared to empty my mind so that his problems may fill it.

"I'm listening."

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