Chapter Three

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"How did he go with it?" Taehyung asked me as he sent Jungkook out to the car to wait for him. I found it odd that Taehyung was acting like he was speaking to a teacher about how his son behaved in class today.

I nodded my head and placed my clipboard down on the table as I looked up to Taehyung.

"Jungkook has a lot going on for him. I will not share any details about what he has spoken about or what has been bothering him because of confidentiality," I paused as I turned away from Taehyung and walked over to my desk as I sorted through some files, "but Jungkook is very capable of being his own man. He just needs some support now and again."

Taehyung slowly nodded, confused from the sentence I had said to him. I think that he was expecting a full run down about what he had spoken about. But I knew better than that. Whatever Jungkook speaks about is his choice to tell the members if he wants them to know.

"If you want an insight wait for Jungkook to open up to you, but for now I suggest that you leave him be and just grant him some support." I walked over to my door and held it open for Taehyung to walk out of, bidding him a farewell with a smile.

Taehyung thanked me before leaving my office and heading out to his car where Jungkook has been waiting for him. I walked over to my receptionist and leant down to read the papers on her desk.

"When is his next booking? Did they make one?" I asked her, watching her nod as she clicked on her computer mouse and printed a sheet of paper off of her desktop before she handed it to me.

"I think you'll be surprised (Y/N) because I sure as hell was," she watched me as I read over the paper, "he scheduled an appointment every afternoon for the next two weeks!"

And she was exactly right. Jungkook has made appointments for four-thirty every weekday afternoon for the next two weeks. I would be lying if I said I wasn't shocked, because I definetly was.

It wasn't often I got someone coming in everyday to see me. Usually clients tended to make appointments on the weekly basis. Something about Jungkook made me uneasy for some reason. The look in his eyes as well as the way he would sit and talk. He sounded so scripted.

"You can go home now Mijae," I smiled to her and slowly walked back toward my office, "I'll see you tomorrow morning."

Mijae had been working for me since I had opened my therapy office. The first thing she told me was that she thought I had a brilliant idea and that it could help all the idols that needed help for their very livelihood.

"Alright Boss," She said as she stood up from her desk and grabbed her purse and keys before walking to the door and flicking off lights as she walked past, "i'll lock this so you can leave straight away. Don't work too long!" She shouted back to me as she closed the now locked door behind her and made her way to her car.

I walked back into my office and shut the door behind me as I sighed and rubbed my neck gingerly before I went to the corner of my room and poured myself a small glass of whiskey so that I could continue working in a more mellow environment.

I approached my desk and sat down in my chair as I leaned back and stared at the drink glass in my hand for a moment before I took my first sip from the strong spirit. I sat the glass down and smacked my lips before picking up a file paper on my female client who is due in tomorrow morning, first thing.

As I did this I couldn't help but think about Jungkook's notes. The things that made him uneasy and uncomfortable. I placed down the other set of notes and I read over the notes that I had taken on Jungkook during our first session instead. I noted that he talked about how his members weren't very helpful when he asked for help and because he was so young no one really gave him the time of day. I also wrote that it made him feel insecure as well as insignificant.

Stiff posture
Quick eyes

It made me wonder how I was going to speak with him. Speaking with so many idols made me realise that each had to be spoken differently. Sometimes they had to be spoken to in a hard tone, but a selected few were so fragile that they needed to be spoken to softly otherwise they would unintentionally tear up.

That is why the first two sessions are the most critical moments between client and therapist. If we are unable to crack down on their characteristics then there isn't a hope in the world for us to help them. Speech is everything.

Underneath the young idols report was Jungkook's fresh folder. I opened up the file and began to add my notes to the new pages- only putting in the most crucial moments of our first session. After reading back over my notes I realised that Jungkook was showing signs of a depressive and anxious mind.

The last thing I wanted was for someone as young as Jungkook to slip into the deep end of mental health.

"I'll help you," I vowed to myself as I raised my glass to my lips once more and took another hasty sip from the spirit,

"I swear."

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