Jeno: Maybe when everything's all right again.

Jaemin: I'll wait for that time Jen, no pressure.

Ji & Kaira: Awwww so sweeeet~

Suji: Tsk total yaoi fangilrs

ncteaie: I love you

Jeno: Thank you for loving me :)

panbee23: Promise me you'll use protection and not give my baby any STDs?

Jeno: What the ---


NaLyneNa: so.. Did you find your heart yet ?I didn't find mine, i forgot where i burried it Jeno-ah..Can i ask Chenle to help me finding it ?

Jeno: Once again I didn't find my heart yet and you could ask Chenle for help but I guess you also need their permission *points at Renjun and Jisung*

NaLyneNa: Can .. Can I --

Renjun and Jisung: No.

Ji: Here mate your heart <3.


taekooklivesxx: On a scale of 1-10 how much do you love hyuckie

Mark: You can't scale my love for that brat.

Donghyuck: I'm a brat.

Mark: My one and only brat. *winks*

Jisung: Ew Mark-hyung stop it.

ncteaie: I love you

Mark: *stares at Hyuckie* *gulps* Umm.. yes thanks

panbee23: Do you know how lucky you are?

Mark: I know. *looks at Donghyuck*

Ji: He's super cheesy today.

Donghyuck: Tell me about it.

NaLyneNa: What is the taste of hyuck-ie's blood , mark ?I bet it's bittersweet like cinnamon.

Mark: It's super sweet.


taekooklivesxx: Is mark an idiot?

Donghyuck: He is, sometimes. *sigh*

Mark: but you love me.

Donghyuck: Says who?

Jisung: Aww that burns.

Renjun: Hyung? Everything okay? What part is roasted.

Mark: Shut up -_-

ncteaie: I love you Are you a queen or a king? Im thinking queen..

Donghyuck: I'm a queen sis.

panbee23: You have a cool power ! Yay!!! always protecc Jae!

Donghyuck: Thanks and of course I will.


taekooklivesxx: Stop growing! Why are you still growing?!
findinglostjams: Don't grow up !!

Jisung: I can't help it okay?!

ncteaie: I love you

Jisung: I love Chenle too.

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