Chapter 7

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Beautiful Angel

Prom Season is upon us ladies and gentlemen.. that means securing a last minute date.
Layla was having huge problems because Jayce hadn't asked her out yet. They haven't been talking much anymore which saddened Layla but it was whatever.. she hoped.
"Layla, Jayce needs to seal the deal now!" Esther warned.
"Otherwise," Gianna Calliope, Esther's girlfriend and Layla's good friend said. "You're fair game on the dance floor and every boy will come to you."
"Honestly.. I'm okay with that," Layla said.
"You still need a date Miss Doubles' Tickets," Estee joked.
"Let's not try it today," Layla picked at her lunch. They spent the day at a Vietnamese restaurant and Layla had gotten a bowl of Pho while plate of rice and meats with vegetables for Gia and Estee. "Uh.. so what should I say?"
"Ask him right now," Estee dared.
"Hmmm," Layla smiled. "Let's do it now!"
After three beeps, Jayce picked up and said a groggy "Hello."
"Hey," Layla smiled. "So are you available right now?"
"Yeah, what's up?"
"Why don't we go to prom together? I have a doubles-"
"Prom.. really?" Jayce laughed condescendingly. "You don't want to go to something so mundane.. right?"
"Yes, I do. I didn't go last year.."
"Well, Layla, I just want you to know that I may have asked a friend of mine already before and we were planning on ditching.."
"So you asked a girl to prom then proceed to date me? What the hell," Layla snapped.
"Well, it wasn't really a friend. It was my girlfriend, we've been on and off to be real."
Layla pressed speaker so Gia and Estee could hear this ignorance.
"So you have a girlfriend or ex-girlfriend with unfinished business and then you're also asking me out and you're also taking her to Prom?"
"Layla, I'm not gonna lie to you anymore, you're just there and I knew you could make her jealous."
"What the fuck?" Esther yelled aloud and blocked her mouth immediately.
"Layla, I'm already going with another girl, I'm really sorry but that's just the way it is," Jayce said.
"That's kind of a dick move," Layla said casually. "Seriously."
"Do you know what else is a dick move? Asking a girl out and then ditching her for someone else."
"Dude, that's what you're literally doing.. Jayce. Are you out of your mind? You know what.. take her out. I don't give a flying freak." With that, Layla hung up and ate her food quickly. "I fucking hate that kid."
"He is your... never mind, I guess," Gia said.
"Did you not hear what he said?" Layla asked.
"No, he is a total asshat," Gia said. "Y'know what. Let's find you a date!"
"Where exactly?" Layla chuckled.
"I think St. John's boys are around here," Esther smirked. "Our girl is gonna scour!"
"Wow, I forgot we were in Shrewsbury. Let's get to looking.." Layla smiled.
They walked three blocks down to a shop in the plaza.. iCraze was looking good. Some boys were all huddled so Layla ran in quickly.
"I can go for some bubble tea right now," Layla smirked.
"Let me just do something first," Esther stood on a table and yelled: "Any boys trying to look for a hot date at Walden Prom, come line up in front of this girl right here!"
Luckily Layla wore enough makeup to get a line of boys.
"If you don't go to St. John's," Gia added. "Leave."
Half the line left but a few stayed.
"I don't know what to do now," Layla sighed.
"Pick me I'm fucking rich," A boy with surfer hair showed himself.
"Leave," Layla rolled her eyes.
"How about the three of us together," Another boy said. "We can do a foursome and a trai-"
"Ew, gross, smelly!" Layla waved them off.
One boy with swept short hair looked deeply into her eyes and smiled.
"You," Layla motioned for him to come. "Tall, handsome, killer smile, I can already see your shining personality."
He smiled, "My pleasure. Should we go alone?"
"I'll see you two later," Layla winked at Gia and Estee, then walked with the boy.

"Layla, beautiful name," he smiled. Damn, he could stop now, Layla thought to herself. I'm weak.
"Hi," Layla was mesmerized. "Yes. What's your's?"
"It's Josiah," He smiled, again.
"You are more of a Smiley," Layla joked. "I could get with that."
"Sounds great," He wanted to say something but he couldn't.
"So, Josie," Layla laughed. "Walden, my school, is having Prom this Saturday and I was wondering-"
"Totally," He smiled and laughed. "Yes, Let's-"
"I didn't even finish," Layla said. "How did you-"
"Cause I smiled," Josiah laughed. "I also know this smile is killing you inside."
"In the best way possible!" Layla agreed. "So.." Layla held out one of the tickets.
"Pick you up at 5," He slipped her his number.
"Cool," Layla picked it up and texted him immediately.

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