Chapter 9

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Graduation day had arrived for the students of Walden. After the long hauling years, the students awaited for this day to happen, the diplomas, the kisses, but mostly, the parties.
The graduation after parties were the last of the highlights that most seniors look forward to, but on the contrary, Layla spent most of her graduation night talking with Cade.
"Hey, so I was thinking after I go to Athens," Cade said. "We go on a little trip ourselves?!"
"I'd love to," Layla loved the idea. "But chances are I'm gonna do something with my family."
"Aw damn," Cade felt her heart go into little pieces.
"Um, you don't mind if I come over everyday during the summer?"
"Of course not! At least promise a trip to Boston or something."
"That would be splendid," Layla smiled. "You're still going to Athens?"
"Yeah," Cade sighed. "I'm willing to give this another two weeks and see where it brings me to now. But I'm hoping that he will see the error of his ways."
"Well, you always have me to talk to whenever you're lonely."
"Thank you, sweetheart," she hugged Layla. "Even though it is not my last time seeing you, I thought you should know I wish the best for you and your family. They are blessed to have a beautiful creature like you."
"Thank you," Layla almost started to tear up. "Hey, I hope your parents can come soon. They need to see how strong and independent their daughter has been."
"I'd love that," Cade nodded. "But for now, my grandpa is the sole guardian. I'll see you later."
Layla left Cade's house and was on her way home.

When Cade was leaving for Athens, Layla left her to go with Mel.
"You're basically like a mother to me," Cade laughed. "It sounds weird but I felt that you've been here for me through it all. The nights we spent talking, the days of you calming me down. It feels like God had in store for me a guardian angel just like you to guide me through."
"You're making it sound like I'm a saint when really, you got yourself through it," Layla grabbed her hand and hugged her. "I was too weak to even save myself, so don't thank me for helping you, thank yourself for being independent, and thank God for guiding you through it."
The Catholic sisters gave their last goodbye and Mel waved to Layla.
"Treat her right," Layla said as the stewardess called for their aisle to go.
Mel nodded and kissed Cade on the forehead. When they both went in, Mel put the suitcases and baggages above them but noticed she was tearing up.
"Hey," Mel said. "What's wrong?"
"It's just, everything is so well for me. I'm with my husband. My friend just gave me up to live my best life. I love my life and I never had in such a while."
Mel held her hand, "To a new life?"
"A new life," Cade nodded. "So what do you think there will be in Athens? I've never been!"


Josiah and Layla both sipped on their frappés and smiled from across each other. They definitely exchanged a few glances and tied.. but Josiah's smile killed the game. There will never be a moment in life where Layla denies that Josiah has the best smile.
"So are you just gonna sip on that Oreo frappé or talk to me," he held her hand.
"I think I'm just gonna stare at you until you smile again," Layla sipped her drink.
"I'm okay with that too," Josiah winked.
Jayce decided to walk in also with Caitlyn.. who was tall and bleached blonde. Clearly she cannot compete but Jayce couldn't compete with Josiah also.
"So," Jayce said to the two. "I'd like to apologize to you especially Josiah. For pushing you and letting anger get the best of me. Also Layla, I want to apologize to you too."
"Thanks," they both said at the same time. Caitlyn smiled but went to the cash register dragging Jayce along with.

"Gosh even just covering up makes her slutty," Caitlyn snidely said. "She's a sweet girl but totally not in our wheelhouse. What is it with her?"
"Something," Jayce shrugged. "She's cute and.."
"If you're just trying to get in her pants, I'd just let it go. She's having fun with Smiles over there.. so.."
"Whatever," Jayce grabbed his drink and sat far from Layla, looking at her and Josiah. Her back was facing him so he wasn't worried about being exposed. On the other hand, Josiah kept glancing over and saw that Jayce was looking to Layla.

"Uh," Josiah's smiled faded.
"Come on, don't frown, it doesn't look good on you," Layla joked.
"Uh," Josiah's smile came back as he sipped his frappé. "Layla, Jayce keeps looking at us."
"So?" Layla shrugged. "Let him. I'm so into you anyways and I've known you for two weeks?"
"Exactly," Josiah frowned again. "Two weeks. You must have known Jayce for a while."
"The only thing I see in Jayce is that he will be a fake high school relationship that I thought was deep.. when in all actuality, it was horrible."
"Layla, don't lie to me like that," Josiah said.
"I don't like where this is going, hun," Layla frowned.
"I know you don't," Josiah sighed. "But for the sake of your future, we should break up."
"Were we even really dating then.." Layla argued.
"No Layla, we weren't. But we should still break up.. meaning I don't wanna get in the way of your dating life and I also still want to be your friend."
Layla rolled her eyes playfully as she sipped her drink, "You're a pussy. I hope you know that."
"That's harsh," Josiah smiled wider. "I also think I'm kind of into guys.."
Layla covered her mouth in shock, "Please tell me you didn't say that because we dated.."
"No, the reason why I'm breaking up right now is because it's for the sake of you and Jayce or whoever is in your future.. also because I'm gonna be travelling abroad to study. I can't be tied down."
Layla thought to herself and sighed with defeat, "You win Josiah Hawthorne."
He laughed, "I did, didn't I. You're too easy to contest."
"Am not," Layla laughed. "At least I get to say I dated a boy with the best smile I have ever witnessed on this Earth."
"Brag about it all you want," He chuckled.
"Let me be that girl and take a pic of you smiling while I hold your hand."
He smiled at the camera and even kissed her hand.
"Thanks, love it," Layla chuckled.
"I have to get going now for work so I'll see you around Layla Nghiem. You have my number?"
"No, but I do have a contact named Josiah with the Best teeth."
"Alrighty then, Lady Extra," Josiah said. "Hit me up soon."
"Peace," Layla said as he left and looked through her phone until Jayce caved and sat across from her.

"Layla," Jayce said. "Take me back!"
"And on what planet are you on to even have the audacity to ask that?" Layla glared.
"Layla, I screwed up," Jayce begged. "I know I screwed up when I pushed your friend.."
"His name is Josiah," Layla snapped.
"I'm sorry for beating Josiah, I should have known better."
"Try again."
"I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry."
"I'm fucking sorry," Jayce raised his voice.
"I really am."
"Good," Layla said. "Cause when are you taking me out?"
"To dinner at the Park Ave. Japanese Cuisine? When?"
"Of course!"
"Great," Jayce smirked. "Phew. You almost got me there."
After he left, Layla chuckled to herself.. it didn't exist but if he were to find the real name, he'd be in for a treat when the bill comes.

"So we've really become that toxic couple with on and off and now open relationship," Caitlyn shook her head.
"It's high school, babe. Don't get too caught up," Jayce winked.
"Screw you," Caitlyn sighed and chuckled to herself.

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