Chapter 16

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Paper Love

The reconciliation between Jayce and Layla was interrupted by the sounds of the early birds chirping in the summer morning. Jayce had stayed the night despite telling Layla's parents that he was going to leave. Luckily, her parents had gone straight to work and not check on them.
"Good morning," Jayce kneeled by the bedside, back hurting from sleeping on the floor.
"Good morning," Layla stretched. "I was wondering if you wanted to get some coffee this morning?"
"I don't know," Jayce lied. "I need to get something from home and then head off. I also need to start packing since 2 weeks later, I'll be shipped to Lowell."
"That's right, you're starting early," Layla laughed. "Well, go on. I have to leave a note for Bruno."


Layla spent her morning in the coffee shop reading it's magazines and sipping on loads of caffeine.
"Guess who?" Elise put her palms in front of Layla's eyes.
"Elise?" Layla sat in her seat, still as a piece of wood.
"You knew! I also brought Mel with me."
"Hey," Mel waved.
Layla waved back, "So. What brings you both here?"
"Decided to see if this coffee shop was any good," Mel said. "I mean, you brought Jayce here and this is the only place he is willing to go nowadays."
"Bitter," Layla glared at Mel.
"Sorry to ambush you like this," Elise said. "But I have to talk to you."
"Something has gone awry. Something really tragic!"
The next thing Layla knew, she was trying to keep up with the rolling nurses who were transferring Gilbert Shapiro, an old friend from school, into the Emergency Room.l
"Layla!" Gilbert breathed heavily.
"Gil! Oh no!" Layla ran.
"Poor kid has diabetes," Mel tried to run after but they ran too quick.
"Shut up," Elise groaned.
When Layla was blocked out, she walked back to Elise and Mel who collapsed to the floor in tiredness.
"Great! Now you can stay here and wait for him!" Elise said. "It's a good thing I told you right?"
"Yeah, poor Gil," Layla sighed. "His other friends couldn't come to help."
"Whatever," Mel patted her back. "I'm gonna go now."
"Right behind him, love, good luck," Elise quickly hugged her and ran behind him.

"So where exactly are we going?" Mel started driving along a forest path.
"You know where, hunty," Elise filed her nails.
"Don't get dust in my car, please," Mel said.
"I won't," Elise put her legs off the dashboard.
The forest was bumpy due to the rocky pavement and the bumps in the dirt. Elise was hopping around without her seatbelt while Mel was trying to keep his control. Eventually, the two make it down the end of the path and encountered a house you'd see in the movies when a group of teens walk in to their death.
"Gloomy, ain't it?" Elise chuckled.
"Don't know what you're gonna find in this hell hole," Mel sighed.
"Shut up or we'll actually get pulled down to there.."
Elise stepped on the creaking wood and shook to the windy blows that came about the house.
"Who lives here anymore.." Elise cringed.
"Apparently someone important enough that knows Jayce cheated-"
"Halashovaloka," Clark scared Mel.
"The fuck," Mel punched his face.
"Ow," Clark groaned.
"There you are asshole," Elise smacked him right about the head.
"You guys are testing me," Clark warned.
Elise sighed, "So why'd you pick this place? Any significance?"
"Nah, just wanted to scare the shit out of you guys," Mel put off Clark's cap and revealed his brunette hair.
"Well tell us what you know before I snap your twiggy body in two," Mel was inpatient.
"Calm down," Elise whispered to him. "Clark,
do you really know something that could bring Jayce out in the open?"
"Yeah, under one condition," Clark smirked.
"Oh no, what now?" Mel whispered.
"Since you ask," Clark continued. "I get Layla."
"Heh, like hell she'll want to go anywhere near you," Mel joked, to which Elise slapped him.
"You got yourself a deal," Mel said.
"You sure? Your lanky, fat self is telling me otherwise," Clark scoffed.
"It's not fat it's muscle, with muscle comes strength, and strength means I'll fucking pummel your ass to pieces," Mel was getting testy.
"You got yourself a deal," Clark said. "All on this USB drive."
"Thanks," Elise swiftly took it into her palms.
"As for Layla?" Clark was too naive.
"Yes," Elise said. "I'll scurry on now."
Mel followed Elise quickly, fearing what creepy mess Clark had in store for them.
"You really aren't gonna do this to Layla, are you?" Mel asked.
"Of course not! I wouldn't even wish this on my worst enemy.. unless.. Liss," Elise smiled with reassurance. "Now lets get this USB drive onto your local computer."

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