Chapter 10

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Girl's Night Out

The club was booked with everyone in Central Mass stretching from Walden, to Shrewsbury, to Valkyrie Heights, to West Boylston, and even St. John's. A lot of people showed up in up-to-par styles, other's with scandal all over their body, and/or basic. When Layla walked in with Jayce , she was a bit worried but saw that this was the kind of thing Jayce was into, so she had to make a choice: keep up or fall down, badly.
"Layla Nghiem," a girl with strawberry blonde hair walked up. "Wow, taller than I thought. I assumed the heels gave you more height.."
"That's cause you're shorter than everyone, Elise," Jayce said. "Layla, Elise."
"Hi," Layla shook her hand. "We already met during prom."
"With Smiley and Pat! Right! Just so you know, I dated Jayce before."
"And I plan on getting him back soon after you're done with him! Leftovers are my thing?"
"Well, let me finish this full course meal before I hand over the leftovers! I'm sure I'll be right smack done."
They both laughed, making Jayce awkward.
"Say, you never had a thing with an Asian girl," Elise said bitterly. "Is that your new target? Or niche?"
"Uh.." Jayce was interrupted.
"Cute girl in a cute skirt but her black t-shirt is way too edgy," Everly observed. "Say, are you that girl in BTS?"
"Say? Weren't you the girl who cut me off at the parking lot of school?" Layla snapped.
"Oh," Elise imitated claws. "Coming for blood now aren't ya?"
"You are kind of being cutthroat right now.." Layla got defensive.
"Wow, the tension is high," Liss watched from far.
"Layla might have unintentionally got into a fight with one of the potential 'exes'," Cade agreed. "I'm pretty sure Jayce never dated Elise though."
"Granted, he never took me out on many dates," Elise said. "But you're the lucky girl! So enjoy while it lasts, cause the four petals will soon be zero."
Elise rolled her eyes when she saw Clark enter the club, "Who let that hood-rat in?"
Layla turned around, only to see Elise turn around, wave and then strut off to handle the situation.
"Did I really snap?" Layla asked insecurely.
"You did fine, you handled that well," Jayce said. "Just be careful. We don't want to give the impression that we are here to make enemies."
"Alright," Layla nodded.
"Let's go get some drinks," Cade pulled her away.
"We'll steal her for the night," Liss winked and they whisked her away into the booths. "Drinks and food for us, correct?"
"Yeah, the chicken tenders look amazing," Cade smiled.
"I still feel awkward and embarrassed from that debacle," Layla sighed.
"That's Elise for you, she is a hard nut to crack," Liss reassured. "You did nothing wrong. She's just looking for a big fight so give her one."
"I'd love to but I can't," Layla frowned.
"You will now," Liss took the three shot glasses and handed it to the girls. "Girl's night out!"
They all cheered but Layla threw her's up, "Gross.. where is the water in this."
"Oh," Liss smirked. "I may have spiked your's?"
"Gross!" Layla squealed.
"Mind if I join?" Elise pushed herself in next to Layla. "Not much of a party girl.. or so I hear."
"I'm really not," Layla smiled. "I'm sorry."
"For what?" Elise asked. "I should be the one since I cut you off some point in the years of high school."
"Oh, I-"
"No apologies tonight! Drink, drink drink!" She drank a shot glass and forced Layla to drink one. "Now let's spin the bottle!"
"She's definitely drunk," Layla said to Liss and Cade after Elise left.
"Yeah, she had a whole bottle an hour ago," Cade cringed. "Poor girl. Who hurt her?"
"Jayce?" Layla asked.
"They never really dated," Liss reminded. "It would be impossible."
"True," Layla agreed and drank the shot glass. "I can drink 3 at a time, puke, be drunk, and act like a stupid idiot!"
"Wow! I never thought you could be all three!" Elise embraced her. "Let's go hang around."
"I think she'll be fine here," Liss pulled her back. "I need to keep watch on her."
"Don't act like you're such a saint protecting her," Elise drank. "We all know the truth.."
"What truth?" Layla chuckled.
"Well, I'll tell you if Liss keeps you here," Elise smiled deviously. "But I'm gonna go-"
"Fine, take her," Liss said.
"No, I wanna stay with you.. partly cause I want to hear the truth," Layla laughed.
"Just go and have the time of your life," Cade begged. "You need to open yourself out."
"I do want to open myself out, without Gisele, or Esther, or Iliana," Layla said. "I miss them."
"Who are those people?" Elise asked. "Well, I know maybe Gisele and Esther was in my english class sophomore year. Man.. who were they?"
"Elise, I'll go," Layla smiled.
Elise smiled back, "I change my mind, I like you. Let's be bitches together!"
They both skipped around the club and danced, Layla pretending to be drunk and crazy cause she couldn't stand the alcohol and didn't want to fail the DUI test even if it was just a shot glass. Elise danced on top of boys while Layla danced with herself and even pulled both Cade and Liss out.
"I've never been on a dance floor but I feel so free," Layla emphasized on the "so" and pretended to whip her hair like crazy.
"Is that how you think drunk people act?" Cade asked.
"What do you mean? My face is red-"
"From the lighting," Cade laughed. "If you want to make it believable, do this."
Cade went up, dragged Jayce up to the stage, "ALL RIGHT EVERYBODY LET'S MAKE SOME NOISE!"
Everyone started screaming, giving Liss a migraine and Layla blocking her ears.
"Are people always this loud?" Layla asked.
"Not really," Liss smiled. She felt guilty but knew it wasn't the right time to tell, especially since they really started talking again. "Say, do you wanna go take a walk?"
"She'll stay here," Elise grabbed Layla's hand. "With me. Conditions are conditions. I'm sorry it has to be this way, Liss, and where's Mellie? Is she on vacation? How rude, I always liked her better."
Layla frowned at how hard Elise hit Liss, "So what are we gonna do?"
"We are going to lick some abs! Boys have evolved!" Elise squealed.
"Um.." Layla felt uncomfortable with touching other people, so she dragged Liss. "Come with us, Liss. It'll be fun."
"You really want me to have some fun!!" Elise shouted. "Come Liss. You'll have the time of your life with us."
"Okay," Liss shrugged and followed Elise and Layla to the front of the stage.
"For all you drunk ladies out there, it's time to get your scream on!" Cade said in the microphone.
"We are drunk ladies, scream!" Elise screeched.
"Yes we are!" Layla screamed in a moderately quiet tone.
"Scream louder! You can't be that quiet!" Elise yelled.
"I'm.." Layla was still sober so she was conscious of what she was doing.
"You're what?" Elise asked with her wide eyes.
"Um," Layla screamed impulsively to not bring any suspicion, to which Elise screamed even louder.
The crowd was too wild on the dance floor at this time and all Layla and Liss wanted to do was go home.
"Let's leave," Liss said. "You don't seem too comfortable."
"Okay," Layla said as Liss lead her out. Surely enough, the crazy girls pushed them all the way back into the front where Elise had reached. Looking up to the stage, Liss saw Jayce. They both met eyes and Liss grudgingly wished she didn't agree to hang out with Elise.
"Liss! Be my guest!" Elise put her in the front. "Everyone! We got our first challenger!"
Liss had a scared expression on her face, but Layla cheered her on.
"I guess we can share, just as long you don't cheat with him," Layla chuckled.
Everything around her made her head dizzy and everything she heard was slow.
"Go...up....there," Liss saw Cade drag her up, but heard muffling noises. She wanted to faint.
"Go up there," Elise said.
Layla frowned, something wasn't adding up. "Liss, want me to go up with you?"
Liss shook her head.
"Go up there," Elise chuckled as she pushed Liss forward. "The mistress!"
Layla turned back wide-eyed at the laughing Elise.
"What do you mean the mistress," Layla asked.
Cade helped Liss up and spoke into the microphone, "So.. I'm standing here for moral support for my friend Liss! I don't even know what to say but let's just chant 'Lick!'"
The crowd started saying in unison "lick" but Liss still had a blank expression and a blank mind. She was not willing to do it, even if Jayce lifted his shirt for the next hour, she would not do it.
"Liss, what's wrong?" Layla yelled up to the stage.
Liss shook her head. In Liss's mind, she was getting flashbacks from the night, the night she deeply regretted. The night where she stuck her tongue on his body, that night she had prompted Jayce to cheat on Layla.

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