Chapter 15

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Tea Time

It was time for the court hearing between Mel's clan and Cade's clan. Layla made a special appearance beside Mel, escorting him through the press but sitting in the back of the session. Dozing off on Mel's side of the story and Cade's side, she heard only the debates that had gotten too heated.
"He cheated on me!" Cade said. "On the wedding day. On the days I left for Africa."
"Which you told me about but said you were going to Syria.." Mel argued.
"That still doesn't justify your cheating. How could you?"
"Shut up," the judge slammed her gavel. "You all are a bunch of tweens who need to keep quiet and let the grown-ups talk."
Layla was shaken awake with the thunderous voice and decided to leave, texting a message to Mel saying that she left.

"I need you," Layla laughed. "I should have driven myself instead of going with him."
"No problem, I'm on my way," Jayce smiled. "I say we go out to eat for lunch?"
"Please. I need my daily brunch."


Layla cut open the sunny-side egg and dipped her ham into it, smiling at Jayce who ate his breakfast sandwich.
"This is amazing," Layla beamed.
"Aren't I the best boyfriend?" Jayce teased.
"Heck yeah. Now I just need you to massage my back, paint my nails, and rub my head."
Jayce chuckled, "I'm on it."
"So how did you spend your morning?"
Jayce hesitated to answer, and stepped around the whole truth, "I slept. I missed you so badly."
"I missed you too, I'm so sorry. I've been caught up with Mel and reassuring him that everything is fine and honestly.. that was a lot more time consuming than I had hoped for.."
"I feel bad for the guy but I didn't give him permission to steal my girl."
"You could have came over," Layla challenged. "He wouldn't mind."
"Nah, I'm not the type of guy to rub in my relationship. Only you need to know that I love you."
"Jayce," Layla felt the sentiment, "Excuse me as I'll pay for the check."
She kissed him on the cheek and left him to sit alone in his thoughts.
He recalled:
The morning he woke up, he was in a bed with pink sheets and the room around him was a girl's room. The dance trophies and academic awards. He thought to himself what had happened but saw that there was a girl next to him.. Liss
"Hey there," Liss rolled on top of him. "So are you planning on keeping your word with that round 2?"
"Round 2?" Jayce looked at his phone. "Shoot, I have to go meet Layla soon."
"Stay," she held his chest so he couldn't move.
"No, I'm going."
"Don't make me expose you," Liss got up with a blanket wrapped around her body. "Layla's gonna love smacking your nuts once she hears that it's slapping in my walls."
"You shut up," Jayce threatened. "It's better that way."
He stormed out of her room and then tried to recall what happened the night before.
He had gone to a real, adult club and sat at the bar, drinking his depression away. The depression was so sudden and he didn't know where it rooted from.. possibly for the jealousy between she and Mel. Then, he had met Liss who followed him to the club, and they both sat together, Liss tempting him to go in the back with her and even let her take him home. It was evident there were more than 3 rounds at least, of cheating.

"Jayce," Layla woke him up from his thoughts.
"Layla," Jayce got up from his seat.
"Ready to go? I'm sorry I took so long, the cashier was slow to return the change."
"Yeah," Jayce followed her out the door.
"So I'll see you later?"
"Of course," Jayce held onto her for a while.
"Okay, easy there tiger.. I'm not a teddy bear," Layla giggled. "Bye Jayce."


Layla had sat in her living room only to hear car doors opening and slamming around outside her yard. It was Mel's car.
"Layla," Mel knocked through the window and sounded distinct.
"Mel! How did it go?" Layla asked eager to know the answer.
"We won the grandfather's company!" Mel smiled. "In exchange for community service though. Word of my emotional abuse got wind of the judge but she sympathized with Cade. We also had to pay out 2 million dollars but that could easily be made now that I own that shitty company!"
"Mel!" Layla hugged him. "That's amazing!"
Mel smiled, "Yeah."
He didn't want to let go but the hug was bound to be over. Now that he is back in his family household, hiding out at Layla's was no longer an option.. which made him devastated.
"So you weren't in the courtroom today.." Mel said.
"Yeah, I got too bored and honestly wanted to leave, with Jayce."
"With Jayce," Mel became angry. He needed to act fast, otherwise he'll lose his chances. "Layla.. what if I told you I had detrimental information. Similar to Cade."
"I don't know. How detrimental to me.. or even to you."
"I just want to repay the favor, kind of like how you did for me and Cade."
"Spill it, I'm ready. Screw it."
He saw the innocence in her eyes and when he mentioned Jayce, she was bewildered. Was it illegal to ruin something going well?
"Um.. I don't know how to say this.." Mel sighed.
"What is it, Mel?"
"Well, I heard this from Cade herself, but, Jayce cheated on you.."
"Do you know exactly with who?"
"It was with Liss."
Layla's eyes widened. You couldn't make this stuff up. It would cause too much damage. Not enough power to control the chaos.
"Jayce cheated on me... with Liss?"
"Yes, Layla, I heard it from Cade, who heard it from Elise," he looked over the folder with Liss's dirt and opened it.
"There's nothing in there," Layla said. "Just dirt on Elisanne.. but Jayce would not cheat on me with her.."
"This is ridiculous," Layla sighed. "Elise is in on this joke too?"
"It's not a joke when it's on paper.." Mel pulled a piece of notebook paper filled with writing.
It was one line saying that "Jayce and Liss had an affair" with a bunch of signatures indicating that those were the people who knew and told Elise.
"What was the message?" Mel asked.
Layla froze in terror, "We have to go."


Layla drove quickly through the neighborhood to Liss's house, only to see Elise sitting anxiously in her car behind two cars: Jayce's and Liss's.
"Fuck!" Elise screamed.
"El!" Layla ran to the window and tapped it. "What's going on?"
"Can't you already see!? Jayce and Liss are fucking!"
"That's impossible!"
"Look, you see with your two damn eyes that Jayce's car is there.."
"So what? You're overreacting."
"Well you're under-reacting.."
"What'd I miss?" Mel stood beside Layla.
"Mel!" Elise calmed down. "So I heard a divorce went down between you and Cade!"
"Yeah and I own a company now.." Mel smirked.
"Wife me," Elise said sarcastically.
"Is this some impractical joke?" Layla asked.
"What?" Mel asked puzzlingly.
"You both said Jayce cheated on me with Liss.. you both showed up here with me.. you both are making small talk.. what's going on here?"
"You want proof?" Mel was playfully frustrated.
"That smirk is proof that you're just pranking me."
Mel shrugged then kicked the door open.
"Mel!" Layla shrieked.
"Holy fuck," Elise ran out of her car and slapped Mel. "You idiot!"
Down the stairs, Jayce ran down and saw the three of them on top of the destructed door. Liss followed and shrieked.
"What did you bitches do!?" Liss angrily stood up to Elise and Layla.
"The question is what did Mel do.." Layla said.
"Smart ass.. you better hope I don't fucking punch you.." Liss growled.
"You best be careful of what you say good girl.." Layla stormed back.
"Break it up here, I don't want Layla getting in trouble," Elise said.
"What are you three doing here?" Jayce asked.
"We were here to catch your-" Elise was interrupted by Layla covering her mouth.
"We wanted to come by and tell you that Mel won!" Layla lied.
"Uh.." Mel chuckled awkwardly and went along. "Yeah! I won! I say we go out to somewhere fancy."
"Shut up," Liss said. "You didn't really need to slam the door down, did you?"
"We actually did," Layla said sternly. "Now if you'll excuse me. We are gonna leave."
"Not yet," Mel held them back. "Jayce, what were you doing here?"
"He was doing something for me," Liss held his arms. "I'm sorry I had to borrow him for a hot minute."
"You're disgusting," Elise said. "Stay away from him."
"No, it's true," Jayce said. "I needed to help her with something."
He went towards Layla but Mel shoved him, "And you best stay away from her."
"Yeah!" Elise agreed and held Layla close.
"Why not? I deserve to see my girlfriend," Jayce said.
"You don't especially for what you did," Elise said.
"What exactly did he do?" Liss challenged Elise.
"You know what he did.. you were a part of it too," Elise snapped.
"Not this again," Layla sighed.
"It's true," Mel said.
"Then what exactly can you show me that proves this absurd theory you formed," Layla said.
Mel stayed silent and saw Jayce's face, who looked disappointed.
"I don't know," Mel sighed.
"Oh just say it," Jayce said as he went aggressively close to Mel.
"Dude, I wish I could-"
"Come on, you're always saying to cut to the chase. Don't hesitate now."
Mel hesitated, then impulsively punched Jayce. Jayce felt the blood streaming from his nose and charged back.
"Layla start the car!" Elise ran to pull Mel.
"Stop! Stop!" Liss said frantically as she and Elise tried to pull the two apart. "I don't want blood on my floor!"
"Nice priority, bitch," Elise said.
They finally broke free and stopped.
"Layla already started the car, let's go!" Elise pushed Mel out.
"Hey, move your shitty Accord," Jayce said enraged.
"Find a way to move it asshole!" Elise screamed back.

"What happened back there!?" Elise followed Layla home and they both sat on the staircase outside her door.
"I don't know.." Layla said.
"You knew he cheated!"
"I didn't. I need more evidence and proof. Chances are.."
"Chances are what? He really did cheat? Cause we have offered enough evidence.. Layla."
She sighed heavily and relaxed.
"Sorry," Elise said. "I just needed to get it off my chest, it's been there for too long."
"Understandable," Layla said as Jayce pulled into her driveway.
"Layla!" Jayce came up.
"Jayce!" Layla became worried. "My parents will freak!"
"They're actually home?" Jayce looked in.
"Yes and you better leave," Elise said.
Jayce ignored, "Layla. I'm sorry about today, with Mel. I got so angry when he walked in there thinking he knew everything about us. No one knows anything about us as a couple."
"You're right," Layla agreed.
"And I'm sure that I am ready for your dad to kill me cause I'm kissing you."
"If it's a chance you're-"
Elise prevented Jayce and Layla from kissing by standing between them, then running into the house and calling Mel.
"Mel.. she's wants this deep relationship desperately. We need to get him out on the spot."
"How exactly can we catch him now when he knows we're onto him?" Mel asked.
"Trust me, I have a plan."

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