Chapter 13

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Mel made Cade a cup of hot tea as she calmed down, sitting blankly and staring at her phone. It was the third call she sent to Layla but Layla stayed true to her own word and ignored all three.
"She isn't calling?" Mel handed her the mug.
Cade shook her head, "No."
She sipped it then smiled, it was deceiving because she was truly dying inside.
"Well.. that was one talk I had in there with Jayce.." Mel tried to lighten the mood. "It obviously didn't involve an obnoxious smack and chokehold."
"What did you guys talk about?" Cade asked, curiously.
"You cannot tell a soul," he looked down at Cade who was leaning on his shoulder.
"I cross my heart," Cade said.
"Jayce was cheating on Layla with Liss."
"You don't think I know that?"
"You knew?!"
"Elise's big mouth told me. Granted, I haven't talked to Liss in weeks but she's just treading on hot water. I hate to admit it but Layla is gonna come for hot water if she ever hears.."
"I know damn well that's the case. But Layla.. I don't see it."
Mel walked Cade to the living room, he laid down Cade and kissed her.
"My phone is on the counter. If you need it, just use it.."
Mel walked into the room, leaving Cade alone. Loving Jason Frasier wasn't the only secret she kept. Inside the little compartment that was camouflaged in her sofa, Cade pulled out a shoe box filled with mystery. Photos, wedding trinkets, name it.. and she'll have it somehow some way, shape or form.
A little notebook that's titled "Steps" was now in her hands. She opened to the first page and recited the last phrases she hadn't seen in months.
"Cut everyone from your life," Cade mumbled to herself. "No one deserves to be hurt at all."
She continued reading the little notes she wrote and the drawings she pasted. The last time she read it was in her locker at Vincent Thames academy. When she reached the last page, a photo of she and Layla, candid but having fun, was pasted in the box under "It's time to burn the past for the better future".
It was the day she and Layla ditched Study hall for a walk in the park. It wasn't really ditching since they both had early release but it felt badass calling it "ditching" and allowed them to feel like they were living on the edge. Cade saw the picture one last time, the last pure smile she ever had with the last pure person she ever met. She basked in the fact that she had been lucky enough to have met Layla and all the other wonderful people in her life. She flipped the picture over and in the back, it read "Don't ever forget me.. and don't ever be a stranger to me". When Cade read the message, she threw the picture into the fire place, and broke down into her final tears.
"Phase completed," she sobbed.


"Ugh, Cade again.." Layla groaned at the third call she received.
"You're powerful," Jayce admired. "I thought you'd pick up at some point."
"No, she crossed the line when she put her hands on me," Layla sipped her iced coffee. "And started meddling in my life even though I didn't fucking ask."
"Look, I know Cade acted weirdly to you. But you were her first friend when she moved here. You've gotta cut her some slack."
"Friends don't ask for opinions and then shove their own opinions down their friend's throat like a surprise!" Layla cheered sarcastically. "She could tell me up close and in person without killing me."
"Happy to catch you two love birds," Elise pulled a chair next to Layla. "Now update me on what happened, Layla? Cause Jayce was too idiotic to form any sentences that made sense."
"I'm no better at explaining," Layla said. "But Cade basically asked my opinions on something, proceeded to get angry at what I said, then put me on chokehold, and then I smacked that bitch off me."
"Interesting, I never liked her anyways and knew Mel could do better!" Elise said. "Don't let that towel head get the best of you."
"I prefer you don't call her that," Layla smiled.
"Okay.." Elise sighed.
"I'm cutting.. need to be cutting people out of my life.. Liss, Cade, Arielle."
"Not me, right?" Elise made a playful frown-y face.
"Of course not," Layla smiled. "You've been the realest."
"Thanks," Elise smiled. "Jayce, she's a keeper. Screw up and I'll take her for myself."
Layla and Jayce both laughed.
"So tell me," Elise said. "Any idea on how we are gonna smack Liss to another universe?!"
"Not exactly," Jayce sighed. "A lot of dirt you found was useless."
"I suppose it was a bit useless," Layla agreed. "Not useless.. that's too harsh."
"Well.. it's hard when your target is the most lovable person," Elise groaned. "She snatches everyone's man."
"Well, we just need to work harder," Layla said.

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