Pattie began to pray for all the crew's safety and for everyone to have a good time. She thanked God for Justin's success, then Ryan Good {Not Hannah's Boyfriend} also gave Justin a prep talk. How he should have a good time and how this show is going to be amazing. Everyone joined in for the 'Amen' at the end. After Pattie's prayer, everyone split up, the crew going back to what they do. 

"Dancers, please take your positions on the stage. Its going to be dark, but you must do this in complete silence". Kenny said whilst giving us a warning look, then he smiled before adding- "Good luck", and walking away again. My heart was pounding so hard in my chest, I couldn't think strait. Very soon after, the curtains separating me and thousands of fans, opened. The stage went soaring up into the sky, and all around me was people. I closed my eyes and remembered what Justin told me. Just think its me and him, and no-one else. Wait! Where's Justin?! Justin isnt even on stage! I started to panic, but before I could turn to Hannah and tell her, 'Love Me' started blaring out the speakers, and lights went dancing round the stage. I quickly jumped into the routine. 

Justin's voice surrounded the whole stadium, and I knew it was live. It wasn't the CD disc, but I still couldn't figure out where he was. With Justin not being here that left the spot light on me, as I was the middle and the front. Pretending there wasn't anything wrong, we carried on the dance. The crowd exploded in cheer's whilst I noticed Justin appearing from the stage floor. The floor had a hole in it, and a plat form pushed up to reveal Justin singing. Relief washed through me and I didnt even feel scared anymore, seeing Justin made me feel it was just another practice day. Before Justin went into the chorus he joined in our routine while singing his verse. The whole thing was actually looking great and the whole crowd were screaming so loud.

"Love Me, Love Me,

Say That You Love Me.

Fool Me, Fool Me,

Oh How You Do Me.

Kiss Me, Kiss Me,

Say That You Miss Me, 

Tell Me What I Wanna Hear, 

Tell Me You Love Me."

The fans were singing the lyrics with Justin, and now and then he would reach out to a few people in the first row. To my disappointment the song was about to end. I was really enjoying myself performing, I didn't realise how much. When Justin sung his last line of the opening song, he took of his signed hat, and threw it into the crowd. Hands shot up trying to get it. Before I could see who got it, the dancers were ushered off. 

As soon as the dancers were off stage, the music blared up again whilst Justin sang 'Bigger'. In this song he had two male dancers, so we werent needed. When we got into the changing room again the girls burst with excitement. Everyone telling everyone their step-to-step point of view too. I looked up on the door to see the song list to know what outfit to get ready for.


* = Dancers. 

Love Me*


U smile. 

My World. A Justin Bieber Romance.Where stories live. Discover now