Can I Borrow The Helicopter Pt. 2

Start from the beginning

I laugh and approach the fridge, "I'll make you a sandwich."

Adam eyes light up, "You're the best!" He hugs me, tightly might I add.

He quickly sets me down, rushes to a stool, and sits.

As I'm making the sandwich, I can feel Adam's eyes on me. I decide not to question it and continue making his sandwich.

I set it infront of him, "Bon appétit!"

Adam looks confused, "Did you just put some kind of weird spell on my sandwich?"

I squint my eyes, "And, if I did?"

He shrugs and takes a bite of the sandwich.

"So..." I start and sit in the stool next to him. "...I actually needed to talk to you."

He looks up with food in his mouth, "About what?"

I pat him on the back, "Hon, it's rude to talk with food in your mouth."

He quickly swallows it and blushes, "Sorry."

I giggle, "It's fine. I wanted to talk about us."



"...Are you breaking up with me?"

"What?! No?! Of course not I was just..."

I'm interrupted by the elevator opening, and Leo walking out.

"...I couldn't find anything!" Leo exclaims, throwing his hands up.

I groan and slam my head on the island.

"Why are you groaning? At least you have someone. I'm gonna be alone forever." He follows me and slams his head as well.

I look at Adam, and I can't help but feel slightly bad, "Come on, Leo. You probably weren't looking hard enough. I'm sure there's something."

Adam pitches in, "Yeah, and, if not, you could could... Yeah, you should probably find something."

I hit Adam lightly on the arm, "Here, follow me. I think I might have something you could use to 'work your magic' on Janelle."

"Fine." Leo grumbles.

We go up to my room, and I pull out a high tech looking remote from my drawer.

"Here you go. I stole this from the lab awhile ago. Me and A-Bree use it occasionally when we get bored." I hand it to Leo.

He stares at it with a blank expression, "Wow. Thank you so much for giving me a remote. I'm sure Janelle will be really impressed with this."

I sigh and take the remote back, "Watch."

I point it infront of us, and a virtual trampoline appears.

"WOWWW!" Leo yells excitedly.

"Shhh, quiet down." I click another botton to get rid of it and hand it back to Leo. "Here, just use this tomorrow at school, and that should do the trick."


I smile, "You're welcome. Now, please get out of my room, so I can sleep."

"Sleep? It's only 7-"

I start pushing him out, "Byeee Leooo."

"Wait, can you come with me to show Janelle?"

"Sure, now goodnight." I close the door and flop on my bed.

Crazier. (Lab Rats fanfic/Adam Davenport)Where stories live. Discover now