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I woke up the next morning. my body hurt but I have to go to work. I work all week except for weekends. I work at a boutique my mom owns down the street, it's small and cute.I glanced at the clock next to me. 7:00 am. ughhhh I brought my self up from the bed and got in the shower and dried my self. I picked an outfit from my closet and dressed my self. I did my makeup and grabbed my things. my mom was still sleeping so I didn't want to bother her. I opened the door and left down the hall.

I got into my car ready to head to work. I put the key in the engine and realize there's a note on my windshield. I open my door and reach for it. I pull it and bring it into the car with me. I turned it around and read it.

'I'm after you Shan your mine and only mine you little hero can help you now. your coming with me ;)' I read it slowly, it didn't say who it was from but I clearly knew. Mark. what did I get my self into I'm tired of my life failing. I could risk getting kidnapped by my ex boyfriend. that sounds horrible.

I parked it front of the small boutique making sure to grab my bag. In my bag I have my pepper spray for emergencies.

Brooke had already opened shop. we work together that's how we became friends she's my moms friends daughter. we hang out all the time but since austin came we haven't talked as much. I'm happy to see her and talk about everything. austin, mark, EVERYTHING.

It's about 6 an hour before closing time we had lots of business today which is great. it's getting late so we're planing on closing up soon. me and Brooke talked all day I told her everything. she didn't seem surprised Mark was acting like this. The bell rand indicating someone had walk through the door, but what surprised me was who. It was Mark. this isn't going to be a good day anymore. he walked in and looked around first then his eyes quickly shot to me. Brooke stood behind me and I could tell she wasn't leaving my side.

"Hey babe." he said walking over to me. "I came to pick you up." he walked up to me leaning against the counter.

Mark would pick me up from work every Monday when we were together.

"I'm not going anywhere with you Mark" I spat

" Why so grumpy, bad day?" he said grabbing my hand. I pulled away.

"were leaving now!" he said grabbing my hand again this time pulling me closer to him. I pulled but I couldn't get away.

"Get off her!" Brooke yelled.

"Shut up Brooke no one talked to you!" mark yelled back. they sounded like little kids fighting. I slipped my hand down my back pocket receiving my pepper spray. He loosened his grip which have me a chance to spray him so I took it.

"Fuck!" he yelled letting go and pulling me out of his grip. I ran to the back of the shop searching for the metal rack we use to put the clothes on the higher row on the wall. I grabbed it and ran back over to him.

"Get the fuck out!" I yelled. he slowly lifted him self from the floor.

"You stupid bitch!" he yelled and swung at me but missed. Brooke stood there shocked. I wanted to hit him with this stick so bad. Brooke ran to back of the shop.

"wtf did you do!" Mark yelled tears were coming from his eyes but he wasn't crying the pepper spray really burned. I started to hear sirens and Mark did to.

"This isn't over Shannon, were not over." he said before ran out the shop and down the block. Brooke ran up to me and hugged me.

"Oh my god he's a fucking phyco!" Brooke said realizing me.

"I have to go home." I said grabbing my bag off the counter and heading for the door.

"Bye!" she called but I didn't turn around I just yelled it back.

The sun had already set. I want to go home and get away from everything. Mark has became a phyco path. My mom is 'dating' again, and I'm just completely lost in this.

I pulled up to the large apartment building. I parked my car in the garage and got out. I walked into the building and up stairs. I got to the six floor and got out. I got into my apartment and quickly threw my self on the couch. I had to get rite back up once I heard knocks on the door. I got my self up and opened it. finally something good, Austin was standing there with a bouquet of flowers and a now of what seemed to be chocolate.

"Shannon, we you be my girl friend?" he asked, I could tell he was nervous I couldn't get over how cute this moment is.

"Of course." I smiled. he handed me the flowers and chocolate. I told him to come in and I went to my room to set my stuff down. I walked back up and walked over to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned in, thank fully he did to and we kissed not like the other ones though this one felt real. it felt like we were made for each other. I finally felt like this was real.

Hours had past and me and austin were just laying on the couch. my head was rest on his chest. We're watching the fault in my stars and I already crude twice. He rapped his arms around me and comforted me. He's so sweet. the movie ended at around 11. austin had fallen asleep but I was still up. I felt bad waking him up but I left him there. my mom has gotten home earlier and went to bed.

I got a blanket from my room and put it over austin. I went to my room and got in my bed. I fell asleep quick. I woke up slowly and felt someone next to me. Austin was fast asleep next to me. I was slightly shocked since he fell asleep on the couch but my mom must have told him to just go sleep in the bed. my bed is medium size so I wasn't surprised that I didn't notice earlier.

I shot up from my bed realizing I was late for work it's already 10. I had 2 missed calls from Brooke and 1 from my mom. I called my mom back first.

"Hello?" my mom asked

"Hey mom you called?"

"Yeah um you don't have to go to work today I'm staying at the shop since we just got a new Oder in and I want to make sure everything is in order so I have other workers here it's ok."

"Thanks mom, love you" I said

" You too bye"

And with that I hung up and placed my phone back down on my night stand. austin had woke during the conversation and was now staring at me.

"Good morning." I said looking over at him.

"Good morning." he said sitting up and yawning. "sorry I fell asleep here."

"It's fine, we had a little sleep over" I said getting off the bed. I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and combed my hair. I walked out back into my room but austin was gone. I quickly walked into the living room to see he was just gathering his stuff.

"I'll be rite back I'm going to go shower." he said walking up to me and kissing my check. he walked out the door and into his apartment. I heard my phone ring and ran to the room. it was a private number...


Hey guys sorry I didn't get to edit this one. I don't know if I should keep writing this a story, school started and it's hard for me to catch up anyway enjoy thanks for reading


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2014 ⏰

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