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I stood there processing the words he had just said. Was he talking about Mark. I didn't know what to think. Did he still like me. I haven't seen him in 2 years does he want me to go run up and kiss him. I felt so lost. I got into my car and drove my way to Starbucks. Brooke is going to love to here this.

I met at Starbucks with Brooke and told her my whole situation with austin moving in and my relation ship with mark. I like austin but I'm with mark and he loves me. I don't know austin super well either. I'm just stuck and me and austin and me are just friends. I left Starbucks and went back home. My mom still wasn't there. I went inside and took off my shoes. I heard my phone ring and read the contact.

'Mark 💋' it read and I quickly answered.

"Hey babe" he said sweetly. He was always so nice to me.

"Hey bae" I said smiling.

"How are you?" He said I heard him moving things in the background.

"I'm good I'm home I just came back from meeting with Brooke" I said going to sit on my bed.

"Nice so your home alone?" he asked

"Um yeah but I'm ok." I said. suddenly I heard a knock on the door "give me a sec I said" putting the phone on the coffee table in the living room and going to door. I opened the door to see austin. He smiled at me I saw he had a container in his hands and a smaller one.

"Look I'm really sorry about what I said and I just wanted to bring you over some dinner" austin said handing me the containers. "it's just pasta" he said and I grabbed the containers from his hand.

"Thank you, you can come in and eat too if you want." I said stepping away from the door. he slowly entered and looked around.

"I wanted to talk to you actually" he said and looked down "I missed you and it know you have a boyfriend now and all but i want us to be friends like how we acted before." he said looking up at me.

"Of course." I said smiling. I walked over and hugged him. He leaned and kissed my cheek. It made me smile. he made me happy. I looked over and realized I still had Mark on the phone.

Fuck I yelled in my mind I reached over and put the phone on my ear.

"Um hey you still there?" I asked hoping he didn't here me and austin.

"Who the fuck is that your house!" he yelled into the phone. i thought of the first thing that came to mind.

"My cousin." I stated.

"Why does he care if you have a boyfriend!?" he yelled but this time softer.

"He's over protective and he came over to apologies." I said but he didn't answer "look I have to go and if you really 'love' me then you should trust me!" I yelled back at him and hung up. I realized later that my trust didn't last that long.


Ohhhh snap


k byyyeeeee 🌝

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