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I woke up the next morning. And got out of bed. My hair looking like i walked through a tornado. I took a shower and got dressed. I went to see if my mom was still home but it looked like she left. I went back to my room and did my hair and light makeup. I glanced in the mirror and looked at my self. I thought I looked cute. I was going to meet up with Mark today. I need to talk to him. I walked out the door and grabbed the car keys on top if the table I walked to door and grabbed my purse the was hanging in some hooks we had next to the door.

I walked out the door to see austin. he had headphones on and was walking to the elevator. I speed walked to catch up with him.

"Hey" I said. I was standing next to him but it's like he didn't see me. he turned my way and jumped back I couldn't help but laugh.

"Damn you scared me." he said removing the head phones.

"Ha so where are you going?" I asked. he was dressed casual and had his signature snap back.

"I have to work today, I work in a music shop a few blocks down from here, there were hiring so why not." he shrugged looking at me. "And where are you going." he asked with his eye brows raised.

"To hang out with a friend." I lied I was going to marks house.

"Hmmmm." he said skaning my eyes.

I giggled and smacked his arm. "Stop that!" I said pushing him away.

his arm slithered around my waist. "stop what I'm not doing anything" he said scanning my eyes again.

"Stop that!" I said blushing and pushing his face away.

"I don't know what your talking about he said as we walked into the elevator. His arm was still around me and I pushed away and pressed the Lobby button on the elevator.

"Shannon?" he asked looking at me.

"Yeah Austin?" I said turning to face him.

"Can I tell you something?" he asked looking down.

"Of course what's wrong" I said walking up to him at grabbing his hand.

"I-I um I like...PIZZA!" he yelled picking me up and spinning me around. I started to laugh. the elevator opened and he put me down. We walked to the lobby doors and he opened them for me.

"I'll see you later Shannon." he said he leaned down kissed my cheek and walked away swiftly I walked to the parking lot and got into my car. I drove to marks house. there was a car in the drive way so he had to be home. I parked my car in front and walked to the door. I rang the doorbell and waited. the door opened but it wasn't Mark it was a girl. she looked to be around my age. she had blonde hair blue eyes and way too much lipgloss.

"Yes?" she said with a snappy attitude. I heard someone run to the door. mark pushed the door open and pushed her out the way.

"Oh um Shannon hey I didn't know you were coming." he said with a cheesy smile.

"Um yeah and I didn't know you had a friend already over..." I said staring into his eyes.

"She's just a friend." he said trying to reach with my hand.

"Don't touch me and what you have her over to get back at me?!" I yelled. I knew that wasn't just a friend I wasn't born yesterday. he was cheating on me.

"Shannon calm down." he whispered. "it's just a friend she lives next door and she wanted to hang out."

"I don't believe you Mark." I said in his face. he backed up and looked pissed.

"OK SHANNON I FUCKING CHEETED ON YOU OK THATS IT!" he yelled in my face. I lifted my hand and smacked him hard. I turned and ran to my car got in a drive away as quickly as I could. I don't know if I was being a a little harsh because I was the one who kissed Austin. Austin. Hes the one who makes me happy, not mark. I need to see austin. I parked I front of the music shop. it's surprising that I wasn't crying yet but I held it in. I walked inside I saw austin towards the back he was hanging up the guitars. I walked to the back and put my hands around his eyes.

"Guess who." I said in a girly voice.

"Ummmm Shaannon?" he said hesitantly.

"Hiiiiii" I said happily turning him around. He took Mark rite out of my mind.

"Ha ha hey." he said smiling.

"So what are you doing?" I said looking at all the guitars.

"I was actually about to go on my lunch break if you want to hang out.

"Yup." I said grabbing his hand and pulling him out the music shop.

"Someone's eager." he said smirking.

"Shut up, where do you want to go I said getting into the drivers seat. He went into the passenger seat.

"Uhhhh how about pizza?" he said putting on his seatbelt.

"Yay ok let's go." I said putting on my seatbelt and driving to the pizza shop a couple blocks down. we parked in front and got out the car. Austin grabbed my hand and we walked in. I sat down while he ordered the pizza. Austin came back with a pie of pizza and 2 sodas. he handed one to me and placed the other one down on the table with the pie

"How did you know I looovvveee pepperoni." I said in a girly voice.

"Lol me too." he said in the same girly voice.

"So how was hanging out with mark?" austin asked reaching for a slice of pizza. I was shocked how did he know I was with mark.

"Um what?" I asked shocked.

"I know you went with Mark today when you said you were going with a 'friend'" austin said biting into his pizza.

"He cheated on me." I said grabbing a slice of pizza. The pizza fell from austin mouth and onto the plate.

"I'll kick his ass if you want!" austin said annoyed. I couldn't help but laugh.

"He's an ass it's fine." I said looking down. I was laughing before but now I'm not Mark cheated on me with some girl. he yelled in my face and went behind my back. Tears started to fall from my eyes so and I quickly wiped them away. Why am I crying I shouldn't be crying. Austin got up and sat next to me. he wrapped his arms around me and I stuffed my face in his chest. I stopped crying and looked up at him.

"You ok?" he asked looking down at me. He made me feel safe.

"Yea I'm ok I said hugging him. we finished are pizza and left back to the music shop. We walked in and austin went back to work while I looked around. it was really cool. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I took it out and it said I had a text from Mark I unlocked my phone and read it.

'im sorry Shannon I shouldn't have done that please forgive me' it said I didn't answer and just put my phone back it my pocket. and hour had past and I was still looking around. I felt two arms go around my waist and I jumped.

"Ha ha ha it's just me" austin said turning me around. "come on let's go"

We walked out the shop and into the car. we got the apartment and went up to the 3rd floor. we walked to my apartment and I opened the door.

"Wanna come in?" I asked austin.

"Sure" he said walking in with me. I went to my room and put my stuff away. Austin was sitting on the couch flipping through the tv channels. I say next to him. he put on a scary movie that they were giving. I loved scary movies even if I was scared. austin put his arm around me. We were halfway through the movie when someone nocked on the door. I got up and opened it. It was mark.


I'm sorry I didn't upload sooner I've been busy since school is staring in a couple days for me.




I'm needy for votes lmao

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