Getting to know

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Hey thanks for reading my story I'm sorry for the grammar mistakes🌝


Brooke shot me a look. she wanted me to go in.

I awkwardly pulled off my shirt and walked over to the pool. I put my feet in and sat there staring at Brooke. That boy and what looked like his sister were laughing and playing around like there were a couple but they looked so alike... Brooke looked and me again

"come on come in what are you waiting for?!" Brooke said pleadingly

"Ugh I don't know" I said looking down at the water. she quickly grabbed my leg and pulled me in I hit the water and screamed causing all the attention to go on me I emerged from the water glaring hard at Brooke who was laughing harder. We started talking about the most random things and laughing hard.

"Hey" the boy said looking at us the girl he was with looked at us and smiled.

"Hi" I said shyly with a small smile

" Where are you guys from?" he said looking at me and broke.

" I'm from New York and my friends from Florida but she lives I New York... " I said Brooke smiled and waved.

" SOOO is that your girlfriend" Brooke said looking at the girl he was with. the girl widened her eyes looking shocked.

"NO!" they said "She's my cousin she lives in California and I live here in Miami" the boy said with a smile

"Oh" Brooke said awkwardly "well this is my best friend Shannon and I'm Brooke" she smiled, I lightly blushed and realized I still had my shorts on. I let go of Brooke and started to take the off.

" Please don't strip in the pool" the boy said laughing .

"Shut up" I said putting my shorts aside and turning back to face him.

" So how old are you guys?" the boy said looking at us.

" Wait first hold up what's your name and how old are YOU?" Brooke said staring at them

" I'm Austin and that's Alex she's like 20" he said point at Alex his cousin. "and old do you think I am" he said smiling.

" I'm 15 and I bet your like 16 17 I guess?..."

He laughed and looked at my friend waiting for her response " I'm 18" she said as she walked up to Alex and started talking to her.

That left me and austin... We started talking about random thing like YouTube, plastic surgery , banana republic, hair and thongs for guys idk what that was about but ok... through out most of the time we were talking he was pushing his hair forward trying to fix it.

"Why do you keep touching your hair" I said roughly getting annoyed.

"Haha I don't know it looks messed up" he looked at his cousin "does it look good?" he asked

"No you should push it back you look retarted" she said laughing.

He went under water pushed his hair back I think I almost died... wow he was cute ❤️

"better" he asked

"Uh yeah" I said blushing

He looked hot with his hair back I couldn't help it...☺️

"So wanna play tag?" he said looking at me with that cute smile

"Sure Alex and Brooke come on let's play tag!" I said waving them over

We started playing I got tagged and moved over to austin trying to tag him

"Why are you so desperate to touch me?" he said jokingly and pulled his hair back

"No I'm not weirdo" I said turning around quickly looking for Brooke to tag her. she was out of the water. no fair I quickly ran out the pool to go get her. she stood there still waiting for me to get her. I ran up to her about to grab her when she pushed me back. I fell back into the deep side of the pool. for some reason I was in shook and I couldn't move. I felt to hands pulling me up from the water and setting me in the edge. I opened my eyes to see Austin's concerned face staring at mine.

"Are you ok he said hoping out the pool and setting himself next to me

"Yea-yeah" I said coughing I had swilled some water and some went up my nose. Brooke ran up to me

"Oh my god I am SOOO sorry I didn't mean to push you that hard do you want me to get you water or something?" she asked concerned. I could tell she was sorry .but why would she even do that. I nodded and she left the pool with Alex going to go get the water. I looked up at austin who staring at the water.

"Soo..." I said looking at him

"Oh um hey are you I now" he said putting his focus on me again.

" Yeah thanks for like saving me hahaha" I said smiling

"No prob" he said. Alex and Brooke walked back in the room. Brooke handing me the water bottle and went back in the pool with Alex. austin hoped and I took a sip of water and went in too. we spent another hour or so in the pool until Alex decided she should go and that ment austin too. We got out the pool and hugged Alex good bye. Austin put on his tank

top and I couldn't help but stare. He winked at me and I quickly looked away we all walked towards the elevator and got to the third floor I hugged Alex goodbye and austin he raped his arms around me tightly and let go we walked out and I could help but blush. me and Brooke walked to the room and opened the door. I hoped in the shower and couldn't stop thinking about austin. the rest of the day was pretty boring and I headed to sleep waiting for tomorrow...


Thanks for reading comment and vote 😘❤️💋😘❤️💋😘❤️💋

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