18 - Fog

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Fanart: Copyright to the author!
Because double update is life.

„Oh shit!" Jungkook jumps up startling my ass and I release short but high-pitched scream.
„What the hell..?" I squeak looking up at him and the screen. „Jumpscare, hun." Jungkook informs me. „Well thank you, Kook, i almost shitted myself.." „Perhaps i did a little.." „You're gross." I look at him disgusted and he just laughs.
That's when I notice our positions. Jungkook's sitting on the right side of the couch facing the TV screen, while I'm leaning my back against the left side armrest facing Jungkook, my legs not fully stretched out behind him, Jungkook slightly leaning to them. My calves tends to hurt when I sit with crossed legs for too long.
It feels.. warm.. It's warm.. The place where his back is touching my leg feels warm.. It's comfortably warm..
„Hey.." Jungkook speaks out, pausing the game for a while and I look at him and I swear.. then he grabs gently both of my legs and stretches them out on his lap, so he can lean back to sit more comfortably. „That's better, isn't it?" Jungkook turns his head to face me. Good that the lights are little bit dimmed, so he can't see how my cheeks are burning with red, because fudge I kind of feel hot. „Y-yeah, it's m-more comfortable." My lips curve in a shy smile. He's holding a controller in his right hand and his left hand is resting on my thigh, brushing his thumb with gently moves against it. I could feel the pool of butterflies arise in my lower stomach. My breathing hitched as i could feel my heart race faster and faster. My brain's trying to cope but the volcano of different emotions were all over it and my body. Suddenly a wave of tingling feeling hits me, making my eyes pop out a little in a surprise and in a realization. The touch is arousing.

I can't..

30th May

Jimin was demanding a report from mission. That's what he called it, a mission.

„So what happened after that? Did you tell him or?" He leans closer excited to hear news about dating. We're sitting on a bed in my room.
„Nothing." I can see Jimin's sparkling eyes fade, looking at me in a confusion. „What do you mean? You didn't try anything else?" I shake my head in a response. „Why?" Jimin asks with slight sadness in his voice.
„I don't know.. i just couldn't.. he's my best friend for life and death and I..I.. just.." „You got scared.." I yelp.
„I did..but you know.. it's cool, he's my best friend and I can't lose my best friend over to my selfish and maybe even momentary romantic feelings." I say determined, „I will let it go and it's ok.." I say with shaky voice and the look Jimin is giving is all i need. He hugs me. „I support every single decision of yours, you know that" He says pulling away from the hug, holding onto my shoulders lightly „and I absolutely understand it.. but maybe... you should give it a chance." And i shake my head again. „No, Chim, I've already decided and I don't want to change that. I will not regret it, don't worry."

30th June

The school year is ending, Namjoon and Hoseok graduated and It's gonna be only me, Jungkook and Jimin next year from our group of friends.
I remember growing up with these punks. It's making me sentimental only thinking of it.

I'm confused. I tried to convince myself that i have no romantic feelings towards Jungkook, tried to let them go, but i felt myself getting distant, distant from Jungkook, distant from me.

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