6 - Caring

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Fanart by RattyAbz04 on Deviant Art


4th May

Me and Jungkook talk like the old best friends we were again. I'm glad.
The relationship with HyungSik is so good, it's the best one I've ever had actually. I'm happy, but I can't say the same thing about my grades and as the school year is almost coming to an end I have to do something about it.

„What's up?" I hear Jungkook.
„Kook, you have to help me with grades!!" I almost yell at him desperately.
„Of course, I'll help you, but you don't need to yell at me, boyyy!" Jungkook giggles and my heart jumps happily.
„Ok thank you, Kook, after school in the library?" I ask him and he just nods. I remembered that I'm supposed to meet HyungSik on the rooftop and with hand wave I disappear from the class.

„Bear?" I enter the rooftop calling HyungSik and someone pins me to a wall net to doors and starts to kiss me. I immediately recognize HyungSik. He kisses me hungrily and I return every single kiss. I can feel his hands on my sides squeezing them a little and his body pressed against mine. I moan lightly as his thigh is rubbing against my crotch. He takes advantage of it and slides his tongue in my mouth, deepening the kiss.
„I love kissing you.." HyungSik says between the kisses when the make out slows. I just hum satisfied into his mouth and continue giving him kisses.
„I'll wait for you after school, taking you on a date." HyungSik says with the sweetest smile ever after he pulls away.
„Oh.. I'm sorry, bear, I asked Jungkook to help me with my grades so we're gonna study in library after school. I'm so sorry." I look at him apologetic.
„Ah, Jungkook.." He sighs. „It's ok, baby, your grades are important. Send me a message when you finish, I'll walk you home at least." He caresses my right cheek gently and I just nod with smile. He then presses his lips on mine for the last time before we go back to our classrooms.

I feel bad, I kind of ditched my boyfriend.. aghh..
Jungkook really helped me with studying as he's really good at explaining things, he makes everything so fun and easy. We studied really late and I didn't want to bother HyungSik so I sent him a message with apologize and went to sleep right after I got home.

15th May

It's getting warmer and warmer.
HyungSik was mad for awhile that we didn't meet up after I finished my studying with Jungkook the other day and overall he became really sensitive anytime I talked about Jungkook, but what can I do? He's my best friend after all, I can't stop talking to him just because my boyfriend is jealous, that's not fair. But good thing is that it looks like our Jungkook already found someone he likes, I'm glad that he moved on. I'm so excited. He tries to be secretive, but he forgot that I know him for awhile and I can see his face in a class when he's looking at his cell phone.

„Who you got there?" I creep on him, looking over his shoulder. He freaks out and hides his cell phone.
„No one." He whispers.
„Come on, Kook, I know you're texting someone!" I nudge him.
„Since it's you, ok, I'll show you." He sighs in a defeat. „What do you think of him?" He shows me a photo of a very handsome boy, raven hair, sharp jawline, dark brown orbs, nice.
„Woow, he's hot, who is it?"
„He's Yugyeom. I met him at the convenience store by the library a week ago. He asked me for my number and I found him nice, we're texting ever since." He spills the tea.
„Wooow, Jungkookie!! I'm happy for you!" I squeak excited and hold his hand. „Let me know when you want to go on a double date or something! you have to introduce him to us! So we can say if he's good for you or not." I state.
„We didn't do that when you first started with HyungSik so why now with Yugyeom?" Jungkook frowns his brows, shoving his cell phone aside.
„Because I want the best for you, so we have to find you a perfect man." I say determined and Jungkook just sighs.

Why am I so nervous tho?

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