15 - Confusion

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25th October

Nothing and a lot happened in past month.

There were times when id just give up on me and school and everything and there were times when i was winning at life.
School is pretty hard this year and I don't really have enough time to write down everything that happened. I'm trying my best to make it through this year to the senior one. Also Hoseok and Namjoon are gonna graduate this year. Time flies so fast I can't even believe that.
Our regular sessions in library are still a thing as we need to study for every test in school.
Jungkook and i are back and even stronger as we realized how much the other mean to us. We're best friends and nothings gonna change that. Jimin is happily dating Yoongi and I've never seen him happier in my life. I'm proud of him, he finally found someone who's worth, who's kind and attentive. They're real sweethearts. I envy them. Well actually every one of my friends is dating, except me and Jungkook. It's funny, even Hoseok found himself a girlfriend.

28th November

„Jungkook-ah?" I try to get his attention by tapping my fingers on his desk to make a slight noise while we're in the middle of math class which is last class of today.
„Yeah?" He averts eyes from his notes to me with right eyebrow slightly raised.
„Wanna hang out today? We could go to your place and play games or something." I suggest him
„Yeah, totally!" he says with excitement and both of us just can't wait for the class to end.

I just love spending time with Jungkook, i'm always so stress free and full of laughs and jokes when im with him, i really love him and appreciate him as a friend.

„Here."Jungkook hands me a glass of water and pack of chips before we sit down in front of big LCD television and console to play games.
„Thanks" I say as I put it down on small table next to a really small couch we're sitting on.
„What you wanna play?" Jungkook smiles at me and i could feel tickling feeling in my stomach but I decide to ignore it.
„Dunno, we can play gang beast again." I sip from the glass. „again?" He looks at me clearly annoyed and bored by my suggestion.
„It's super fun, shut up, Kook." and he laughs which makes me do the same. We end up playing a lot of things.

„Yah give me some." Jungkook says referring to chips I am stuffing my mouth with. I make out a sound of disagreement and put the chips further away from Jungkook, so he cant reach since he obviously tries to steal them.
„Yah!" he says loudly threatening me, but I still don't want to give them up.
„Make some effort" I tease him and like on a command he stretches out his hand over me. But the chips are still far from him so he moves his whole body while trying to reach them and in a second he loses his balance and collapses on me, laying himself in my lap.
„Got them!" He says triumphantly, turns on his back facing up looking at me and putting some of chips in his mouth. I just watch him in shock what's happening and why my heart races like crazy. I can feel my cheeks getting warmer and i panic.
„Yah get off" I bounce with my legs to shake him off. This is not comfortable and pretty awkward.
„Don't wanna." He takes a controller in his hands now facing tv and sets the next game on.
„Jungkook, really, get off." I say warningly but my voice cracks. My heart starts to race even more as he still keeps in his place on my lap.
„Get the fuck off!" I growl at him frustrated and push him off of me causing him to fall on floor.
„Hey, what's wrong with you?!" He looks at me with disbelieve and twists face in a pain rubbing the back of his head. He must have hit it when he fell..
„Shit, sorryy!" I immediately apologize. „Are you ok?" I get down on my knees next to him and carefully check his head, fortunately nothing serious happened.
„You didn't have to push me." Jungkook frowns. „but i'm ok, Tae." He smiles at me and ruffles my hair.

What is this..? Me heart beats loudly and fast and my cheeks are really warm.. Am I sick? Did I caught a cold? Why am I so frustrated.. Why do I still feel the touch of Jungkook's hand in my hair..? I wanna see him smile.. I wanna see him.. What in the earth is happening and why do I feel like I have feelings for Jungkook?


Finally I'm kind of back, i won't promise to update regulary or something, but I'll be slowly adding chapters again and hopefully i won't get lost in plots.

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