1 - Ordinary

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14th February
It's Valentine's Day. I'm not going to mention school lockers of mine and my friends full of small heart shaped chocolates.

I have a few friends, Jungkook, Jimin, Hoseok, Namjoon and Jin.'

I'm in class with Jungkook and Jimin, who are my closest friends, but we all are actually really close. Back to the Valentine's Day. Hoseok and Jimin made fun of the chocolates like the real bad boys, let me tell you they only act like that. Jimin is real sweetheart who's crushing on a quiet blond guy, who's in a senior class with our friend Jin and Hoseok, he may have been trying to act like the all girls fuckboy, but he's actually pretty dumb. He's a good at soccer and is close friends with his class genius Namjoon, which is pretty surprising. Then there's last one of mine friends, Jungkook. He's sweet young guy, always sticking around, helps when needed, can't find better friends.

Anyway, as I said boys were making fun of those chocolates the whole day and it started to piss me of like really. Can't they stop? It happens every single year. I'm not pissed that they have more chocolates, who cares about that, but it's the only topic they talked about today.
It's been like that since late middle school. Because of that I wasn't really in a good mood, but thank god, great friend Jungkook is here.
He tried to make me laugh. I always tend to hold grudge against someone or hold onto anger unnecessarily longer. I still love all of my friends.

My grades aren't really that good and Jungkook helps me out a lot. Jimin and I meet up with him almost everyday after school in a library to study. We don't have every class together, I have most of my classes with Jungkook.

„Yah, Park Jimin, are you dumb? This is easy math!" Jungkook strokes his head a little harder.
„Watch your mouth Jungkook, we might be in the same class, but i'm still older than you!" Jimin furrows his eyes at him and mumbles some other swear words for himself.
„And still you're shorter than me.. as you brain." Jungkook fights back „Taehyung-ah, you get it? Is it hard?" He then checks on me with totally different attitude.
„Yeah, I think i get it. Thanks, Kook." I reassure him with smile and he continues to nag Jimin about not getting a simple math problem.

It goes like this. Even though we fight a lot, since we're totally different people, our day always ends up in a arcade centre kicking each others asses in games.
I can live like that everyday.

17th February
It's fricking freezing outside, almost -10°C.
Jungkook was late for school today. He's not really that type being late or wanting to sleep in, that's actually me, but it's weird being in school earlier than him, he always greets me with his bunny like ear-to-ear grin. Well, me, he greets like that all of us.
I told myself that I'll be paying more attention in classes as I need my grades go up and not down, but at the same time i feel really envious of my friends not to have worry about their grades. I mean, Jimin is not the smartest, but he's not dumb, He doesn't have to get a simple math problem but he makes no mistakes in exams later. He's the exact opposite of me, me thinking I learned it right, only ending up with low scores in exams. They're so stress free.

„Hey, here you go." A can of coffee shows up in my view while studying from the textbook. I trail the way from his hand up to the face to find out whom it belongs just to meet Jungkook's smiley face. „Don't overwork yourself, ok?"
„I'm trying, but there's just a lot to learn." I take the coffee from his hand lightly touching his fingers, opening it and sipping from it.
„We can study in a library again after school. Hoseok and Namjoon are gonna join us." Jungkook sits in front of me, resting his both hands and head on my desk.
„Yeah and we gon play afterwards!" Jimin jumps in excitedly.
„You always wanna play, Jimin." Jungkook snorts and laughs later when Jimin starts to pout and make whining noises and other excuses.

I laugh at that, really.

I decided to pay Jungkook back, I bought him his favourite banana milk and canned coffee for others too of course, so they won't fall asleep while studying. Jimin and Hoseok still end up running away from studying to the arcade center, Leaving me, Jungkook and Namjoon by ourselves studying, not that Namjoon needs to study anything. He's like encyclopedia already. Someone once told me that God gave human something but took different thing in exchange. Namjoon may be the walking encyclopedia, but he's clumsy, like the clumsiest of clumsy.After a long time I finally got feeling that I'm getting hold of something.  

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