11 - Boyfriend

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„Taehyungieee!" Jimin jumps to me hugging me tightly. „You didn't tell me your boyfriend's rich af." He whispers in my ear.
„I didn't know either.." I giggle.
„And you, mister, are MY boyfriend." Yoongi shows up and drags Jimin away from me, causing him to make a frowny pout. That's cute, I think as I smile.

All of our friends are already up and after breakfast / lunch, since some of us decided to wake up at noon. It's a beautiful day outside so we decide to spend some time under the sun. We take a walk around the summer cottage, to look around for interesting places. The nature is so beautiful here.The air is so fresh that it feels like we're right by the sea. The wind blows lightly brushing our hair. I can hear leaves rustling as the wind plays with them. The only thing that's interrupting the comfortable nature sounds is chatting of friends and laughing, while me and HyungSik walk side by side hand in hand without talking, making us the only two to look out of place.
„What are we gonna do next?" Hoseok asks as we get back to summer cottage.
„We can play some games outside, it's still sunny." Jimin suggests.
„And have barbecue for dinner!" Jin exclaims excited clapping his hands together. All of us agree with both of them.
„Who's gonna go shopping?"
„I'll go!" I volunteer and HyungSik following me. Jin nods and gives us a list of ingredients he will need for the barbecue.

The whole way to the grocery shop HyungSik doesn't say anything.
„Is there something wrong?" I ask him worried as it's not usual for him to be this quiet.
„What?" He snaps lightly which startles me.
„I was asking you if everything is ok.. you seem quiet all day." I say in a small voice.
„Nothing is wrong with me, do you have the list?" He retorts. I don't understand a thing, why is he acting like this. All what I'm doing is reading the ingredients from the list the whole shopping, i'm not doing anything else. When I wanted some candies he put them angrily in a shopping cart, without saying nothing, making me feel guilty that he's angry at me for no apparent reason, not I know at least.

We get back to the cottage and others are already playing some ball games, except Yoongi, he's sitting and terrace watching them jump and yell. I decide to help HyungSik to sort the groceries in fridge, taking my chance to talk to him.
„Bear?" I hug him from behind.
„What's up?" He almost growls.

„Seriously, what's your problem, HyungSik? I have enough of your grumpy ass today, i haven't done anything yet you're so mean! Why?!" I snap at him.
„Are you serious? i'm not even mean." He gives me a face of being done with me.
„Meanwhile not being mean, you ignore me, yeah, that's like much more nicer." I say in arony, if only my voice wouldn't crack from so much feelings. I try to ignore my heart catching up on speed and my breathing shortening.
„Why don't you just go to Jungkook if you want attention? I'm sure he will give it to you." He says with poison on his tongue. I gasp at what he says.

„Do you want to know why I don't go to him? because YOU ARE my fricking boyfriend, HyungSik. Not him." I yell at him and not listening I storm out of the kitchen and house itself passing others. I can hear Jimin shouting where am I going, but I don't know myself. I just wanted to be alone.
I found a perfect spot for me being alone. It's a clearing with sun shining, birds singing and the light breeze playing with leaves. The grass is so green, just to lay in it, which I actually do. Laying on the ground watching cloudless sky my thoughts eat me up. Why am i always quiet about things that frustrate me irritate me and after having enough i blow up emotionally like a volcano.
I hate that about myself.
I try to calm down my shivering body and spinning head as anxiety attack gets over me.  

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