14 - Touch

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Copyright: watermark on fan art

14th September

It's like everyday conversations make wonder, what the hell is going on with me. Random things are reminding me of unwanted memories which I can't escape from. If only I could forget, but unfortunately I can't. I just remember everything, I've got a memory of Elephant.

I haven't been really thinking lately or trying to understand my own thoughts and feelings but there's one thing that's honestly confusing me.

„Hey." I can clearly recognize Jungkook's voice. I turn around to be met with raven haired boy with light smile on his lips.
„Hey, whats up?"
„Got a minute?" He raises his brow with a playful look.
„Yeah, why?" I ask him but instead of answer I'm being dragged away. It'S a free period so i don't really mind, but what is going on?
„What is it?" I look at him with confused look. Somehow we end up in an empty classroom.
„Sit." He pulls out a chair for me to sit. I without any question do so and look and him even more confused. He then pulls out his sketchbook and sits in front of me.
„You're gonna draw me?" To which he just nods and starts making first lines with pencil. „Why now?"
„Why not?" He shrugs his shoulders. He never really asked me to pose for him and this is the very first time it's happening.
„I'm not in a mood, Kook." I tell him bringing up my annoyed face, but I stay in place nevertheless. „We can do this any other time, but not now." I continue and he just puts his index finger to his own lips in order to tell me to be silent. I don't know why, but it's just now I notice a little mole under his lower lip. Was it always there? His lips are pinkish and the lower one is little thicker than the upper lip. They're a little bit chapped, but it's nothing a magical chopstick couldn't make better.
„You should use a chopstick.." I say and of course, i realize later that i've been staring at his lips the whole time. I feel the heat rise in my cheeks
„Nothing.." I respond in a panic, standing up quickly and running out of the empty classroom. My heart beats like crazy.

25th September

My life is getting pretty embarrassing, I must say.
The thing about school is just.. ugh. It's so boring and tiring. If it wasn't for boys I wouldn't bother to even show up at the school gate every morning. But there's this thing, lately i've been coming to school more excited than ever.

We started to hang out again, even Jin and Yoongi are joining us from time to time. Jin is really busy with his project for the restaurant, he's working really hard for it and I can't wait for the opening.
Jimin's relationship with Yoongi is going great actually, I'm so happy for him. Both of them are great guys. Hoseok is still the same stupid sunshine that doesn't want to quit smoking and Namjoon..? Well, Jin has a crush on him. I didn't expect that at all to be honest, but it's so fun watching them interacting since Namjoon is such a clueless person.
As for me, I already said that going to school with better mood lately and that's all thanks to the greatest friend of all times, Jungkook. We talk a lot and I let him draw me everytime he wants. Sometimes it's a little bit annoying but he really loves drawing so why wouldn't I let him draw me, right?

„Stop it!" I wheeze, not being able to catch breath with all the laughing. We're at Jungkook's place playing video games and currently playing Gang Beasts on Playstation. It's a game where you have to hit the other, catch him and throw him off the map in order to win.
„Why? You just knocked me off and tried to throw me down!" Jungkook protests and continues hitting my game character. He always plays the guy with big burger as his hat and it's so funny when it falls off and reveals his bald head.
„Your baldie deserves to dieeee!!" I shout and successfully throw him off the map. I start doing my winner's dance and he lightly slaps my thigh, but unfortunately for me, I have sensitive thighs.

„Stop slapping my thigh!" I warn him.
„Or what?" He slaps me one more time, this time letting his hand rest for a second on me.
„I'm gonna fucking kill you, man, you'll see!" I shrug it off and try to kill him again in the game.
But my mind wasn't in the right state. It kept thinking about the lingering feeling on my thigh and why did his hand look so perfect while resting on it..?  



I'd like to thank all the people in the world that doesn't know me but still keep up with me.


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