-chapter 1-

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I finished putting the last item of clothing in my closet before sitting down wiping the sweat from my forehead. I had been unpacking for hours now, obviously having several snacks breaks in-between. Well by a few... I mean all of mine and my brothers. The yelling from my mum and the trip up caused by my brother- ultimately leading to a fight to break out and even more havoc and shouting from my mother- was all worth the delicious treat.

I looked around my room and my heart filled with excitement. Especially, when I think back to my old room. I was grateful for having my own room and all but it was very childish being light pink, not the cute kind, the ugly discoloured kind. With a princess wallpaper wall. I hadn't redecorated my room since I turned 7.

My room, now, was pretty much all white. I adored the clean look it gave as well as the contrast my various plants had with it- green and white was a great combo hence why I ended up having my sheets a pretty emerald green colour to add to it.

I had a walk-in closet which I would hopefully keep clean, as that was sometimes a struggle for me to do. Especially on those days, you're in a rush and you have no clue what to wear- eventually leading to a mass of clothes piled in the middle of your room. I also had an en suite which I was INCREDIBLY greatful for. I was scarred a few months ago at our old house when I walked into my younger brother taking a shit. I felt myself shiver at the memory, of the image and the thought of the smell. What was that boy eating?

I decided to take a shower and clean myself from working so hard on my masterpiece of a room. When I came out in my towel I looked in my closet and searched for pj's. I finally found a pair of shorts and a big top, that was a man's size medium, and tied my dark brown hair into a bun.

"Dinners ready!" My mum screams from downstairs and with excitement over food I run downstairs. However, I hear footsteps matching mine from behind me. I turned around to see my brother and that's when the race to precious food started. He took over when I looked behind stopping for a slight second gave me a disadvantage but that wouldn't stop me. I practically grabbed him by his neck dragging him back as I tried stepping in front of him but he put his hand all over my face. I bit it and he somehow slapped me right in the nose with bad accuracy as he was trying to do it backwards.

In no time it was barely a race as we had barely moved from the spot we had been in for the past few minutes, just a fight that was less hitting and more me trying to make him go on the floor. despite my brother being 14 he was much taller than me. This was very annoying from my perspective but of course, was an advantage in his. Especially during our mortal combats. He shoved me onto the ground and was about to walk off when I grabbed hold of his leg when he was close to the stairs.

"Get your asses down here before I slap you both in the back of the head" My mum yells. My brother and I both turn to each other and we both showed a scared face and ran downstairs to see the food presented beautifully in the new kitchen. You could say our house was very modern based with colours mainly being grey, black and white. And this kitchen was a clear example of that. The promotion my dad had got had definitely benefited us in terms of the house.

I sat down taking one bite of the food my mum had made and instantly melted into my chair at how amazing it was. My mum noticed and smiled brightly at me.

My mom's name was Amelia. unlike the rest of us, she had blonde hair which looked great on her. Much like mine, she had bright green eyes that turned even lighter in the sun. My mom stayed at home most of the day as she was a stay at home mother. But since she was alone while we were at school she has decided to look for a small job to fuel her boredom and loneliness.

And I must say I'm proud of her because I am extremely lazy and would take that opportunity to just lay down all day. My mom was pretty short, being 5'2 which is probably where I got my height from.

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