As we start eating Damon starts to ask more questions. I shouldn’t be surprised seeing that he was so curious.

“What’s your relationship with Decorus ?”

“It’s a bitter one.” I reply. “I kicked him out of his beautiful throne; it’s only obvious that he would hate me.” I tell him a white lie.

“I don’t think that’s the reason why he was so bitter.” He replies taking another mouthful. “It always sucks when a guy cock-blocks another.”

 I shrug not knowing how to reply.

“You know our members love you, right?”

I shake my head in confidence. “They don’t. I don’t have experience and because of that I’m not a perfect leader yet. They are going to hate me for quite a while.”

“Fate has put you in that place for a reason. The Strong Three might have been a suitable number of leaders, but you will become greater. If the Elite does fail, maybe that was meant to be. Somehow this organization might have been meant to fall somehow. “

“Why are you so optimistic?” There was no way anyone could live with complete optimism and positivity.

“Let’s put this in a mathematical perspective. You’re a pure negative, a ten perhaps, and people long to become a zero, a neutral number. In order for me to help you gain your upmost happiness I need to be positive. This works out because I’m optimistic anyway. Life’s better when you think on the brighter side of things. It makes you see what you didn’t before.” He explains.

“That’s a good analogy.”  I comment. His hand comes near my face and I lean back in surprise.

“You have some ice cream on your chin. You act as if you trust me, but you don’t. Not completely at least. I know I have to earn your trust but you have to let me in first.” He explains, pulling his hand away and giving me a napkin. Guilt starts to spread within me and my eyes look up to him with apology.

“Take the last spoon.”

I shake my head and he raises his eyebrow.

“I know you want it.” He taunts pushing the cake towards me.

“Haven’t you heard that girls have to act like they eat less than dudes? If I eat that last bite than it means I’m fat.”

“Do you really believe that?” He asks, in disgust and horror.

I grin and shake my head. “Nope, it seems like girls do that normally so I tried it. I was testing you to see if you thought that was attractive. It’s good that you don’t because I really do want that last bite.” I grab my spoon and stuff my face of the remaining cake.

He shakes his head as he chuckles in disbelief that I was actually testing him. He shouldn’t be surprised; I wasn’t an innocent fool when it came to relationships anymore. At least I hoped not.

“Do you want to head out now?”

“You mean, go back?” I ask, my shoulders sagging towards the floor. I probably look like a five year old child that lost her lollipop after dropping it on the ground.

“It seems like Decorus really wants to talk to you. Rumors are going around with a love story between you two. No guy would wait outside a door for an hour and be forced to sleep in a bed by four guys. You should hear him out.” He admits. I was grateful that he gave me his opinion, but in a way I felt offended that he thought I needed it.

“What if I regret the choice you’re telling me to take?” I ask, raising my eyebrow in challenge.

“Let’s make this a scenario then, shall we? If you didn’t talk to Decorus you would never find out what might have been important. If you do find out at least you know you tried to understand him and forgive him for whatever he’s done. It’s just like a crush, Anna. It’s better to confess to the person you like then just hold it in forever.”

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