The sudden flushing of the toilet startled him from his trance. He scrambled to regain his posture and took a step away from the door.

Elsa looked surprised to see him. "What are you doing sweetheart?" She asked, looking at him and rubbing her eye. "N-nothing baby," He was grateful that it was dark. She didn't look like she believed him but gave a smile and kissed his cheek. "Get some sleep sweetie." She said as she walked back to the bed.

Jack rushed into the bathroom, quickly closing the door behind him. His heart pounded and his blood was pumping in his member. He gasped over the sink, letting his head droop down. he took a deep breath and looked up at the mirror.

"Was Elsa pleasuring herself?" he thought to himself. This thought made him upset to think about. "Am I not pleasuring her enough that she has to pleasure herself?" This thought made him seem like a big failure as a boyfriend. The fact that he couldn't provide her with everything she desired struck him as upsetting. He felt bad about himself for not giving her everything that she desired that she had to resort to doing it herself.

They've never had sex before. It wasn't that Jack didn't see her as a woman, he did. He noticed every bit of her supple and curvy body. He noticed that she was stunning and just downright hot. His chest rose as he inhaled. It's just that he's never craved her as a woman. He never wanted to make her feel uncomfortable. They both decided on keeping their virginity until high school was over, but high school was long past over, and they were at the age of their own. Elsa had an abusive ex who made her do sexual things in the past and Jack didn't want to put her in a situation like that again.

His mind raced and he breathed heavily. He gulped. He thought back to Elsa's thin curvaceous body. Her luscious breasts and her thin waist...

Dirty thoughts suddenly flooded Jack's head. He realized it's not that he's never craved Elsa as a woman, he's been trying to suppress his feelings out of his love for her and not wanting to make her uncomfortable. He's always wanted to feel her, hold her, have her. He looked up into the mirror.

Today was going to be the day.

Jack tool another deep breath and looked into his eyes in the mirror. His dick was torturing him as blood was pumping throughout his body. He quietly left the bathroom and made his way to the bed. Elsa was on the bed, her body raising with every breath she took. Jack gulped again. "Maybe this isn't such a good idea"  Jack thought to himself. Then he thought back to himself how Elsa literally had to resort to pleasuring herself because he couldn't and that brought back his motive once again. "I'll always tell you to stop if I don't like it," Jack could hear Elsa's voice in his head. She always said that when he was too shy to do something and was unsure if it would make her uncomfortable.

He sat on the bed. "Jack?" Elsa asked from the bed. Jack looked around and smiled at her. "Hey sweetie," He said. She smiled at him through groggy eyes. "Are you okay baby?" She asked, concern raising in her voice. "Yeah," Jack nodded his head. He heard a sigh and felt the bed shift as Elsa sat up. She rubbed her eye with the sleeve of his hoodie and yawned. She came closer to Jack, letting her head rest on his shoulder and letting her eyes close. "Go to bed baby," She murmured.

Jack bit his lip and looked at her. She opened his eyes and looked at him. Her eyes darted from his eyes to his lips, and back again. Jack leaned closer and thier lips met in a kiss, her soft lips captured his and he could feel his insides wanting her again. Elsa moved a bit closer, turning her head to get a better angle. Their kiss was slow and passionate, Jack could feel her love pouring from her lips. His hands moved to her waist and her hands held his face in place as their kiss got more intimate. She crawled closer to him, still not breaking the kiss and climbing onto his lap. Jack pulled away when he felt her weight on his member, causing him to gasp and clench his teeth.

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