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Bryce Jenkins was scared.

    The Reapers had done a lot of damage.

    Halloween Town was a different place in America,

    Because it was Halloween most of the year.

    And, for Bryce, his life, (like Eamonn), would change forever.


It begun like any normal night.

       Bryce walked down Pumpkin Street and headed home.

       Houses in the street were full  families watching movies on TV. A Vincent Price-like voice said:

       "From John Carpenter, the Master of Terror and Horror, comes the ultimate holiday movie: 'Halloween'. Witness the horror of this indie 1978 classic of the 20th century..and beware of the Boogeyman...Because He will come for You this Year!"....

          Bryce smiled.

          "My favorite movie" he said, and smiled, as he flicked on the TV, turned on The Movie Channel, and watched it with popcorn and Coke in the huge loungeroom.


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HALLOWEEN TOWN PART 4: SEX ROBOTS OF DEATHWhere stories live. Discover now