Dear Daughters Descendant

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while in n'awlins

last october

i went walkin

down the district

window shoppin

for some new thing

other vendors

didn't have


in a junk box

in a corner

in a dark shop

sellin voodoo

was an old book

stained and dusty

that my hand just

had to grab


laced together

wood and leather

strung with rawhide

bound in black chain

chunky papered

ink grey faded

as it warmed it

reeked of mold


copper scripted

on the inside

of the cover

eyelash thinly

were the words here

i impart you

do sit down dear

while you read


"Dearest Daughters,

My Descendants,

(and I Pray you

number vastly),

Have you noticed

something Diff'rent

you can do that

others can't?


Could be Healing,

maybe Finding,

White Light Bringer?

Fever Taker?

Spirit guider,

Great Peacemaker?

Weather Dancer?

Heaven knows!


In your Blood line

there is Magic,

you're Descended

from the Others:

You may look Strange,

or be Fragile,

sometimes Say things

you don't Know.


You're created

Something Wondrous,

to be Cherished,

and Serve people...

Hold your Head up!

You're the Planet's

newest Blessing,

perfect Child.


In this Guidebook

you are holding

are Directions,

and some Warnings,

from the learnings

we've all passed down...

(I'm the First one

who could Write!)


Go forth Wisely,

and stay Humble,

always Cleanly,

Kindly spoken,

Self Protecting,

subtle Prophet

of the new age

where you dwell."


so i bought it

quite excited

and i packed it

on my harley

rolled in all my

dirty clothing

just to pad it

from the ride


well i read it

and it turns out

after research

and some money

to the right palms

that her blood line

is the self same

one as mine


its amazing

all the wonders

i can manage

with some effort


(Oh, that's Bragging,

and not Humble...)


i'll be off now

you be good

*breathe in deep, hold on tight, eye to eye, grin to grin, fall on in, please...Where stories live. Discover now