creative little geniuses

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newly six she was

he so nearly five

fresh blooded young

leather welts

on fragile skin

fade fairly quick

but sink so deep

they never leave

contaminated minds


tormented children

tragic eyed

those early years

would lie awake

heart broken whimpers

bunk to bunk

shared whispers planned

to kill in detail grim

vile victimizing sire


poisoned liquor

wet electrics

slivered glass

wicked tumble

down slick stairs

upper storied

window flight

long coatless nap in

wet heavy drifted snow


futures shaped

by harsh beginnings

nightmare days

daymare nights

when flying straps

fists and feet

bought wisdom

born of helpless pleas

from ravaged innocents


creative little geniuses

of death

well trained


(dedicated to my gene donor, whose kharma

killed him slowly, cruelly, alone and unloved)

*breathe in deep, hold on tight, eye to eye, grin to grin, fall on in, please...Where stories live. Discover now