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you have given me raving insomnia

'til i swear i've gone quietly mad

for the videoscape on the back of my lids

has impaled me like good cousin vlad


in the brown inky pools of the forest

'midst the great roots of trees now long dead

rolled in furs of great creatures since vanished

i have breathed near your shaggy dark head


onyx eyes reflect firelight glancing

gleaming skin inked in patterns now lost

feathers flutter 'twixt rawhide and beadwork

in the heap where our raiment was tossed


rasping gasps can be heard through the raindrops

crashing wind-slammed outside of our tree

raging thunder and lightning bow humbled

to this storm you are building in me


full summer sun's heat can't compete here

nor the dance fires on tribe-gather night

nor the steam breathing stones of the sweat lodge

no this blazes with soul ashing might


muscles strain tendons pop with the effort

to contain the great beast that's within

but the battle is lost in the driving

once the growling and howling begin


as the bone shaking excess is easing

while sweat mists from faces and hair

our eyes lock with deep sudden meaning

deja viewing the other soul there


eagles and wolves mate forever

forever's a long time to wait

our soul's eyes stood sentry for eons

knowing each that its never too late


there is magic of sorts in the wind love

auric light power flaring through bone

this expansion of spirit awakes you

ancient dreams leave you never alone


in the silence and depths way past midnight

with the blankets and bedding wide thrown

alone naked and aching i call you

to account for the madness you've sown


every songster is crooning about you

constant thoughts of you force me to smile

while i prance about grinning like manson

wicked monkeys want out for a while


this insomnia does have a good side

late night visions are making me sweat

as i fiercely dance bare skin to moonlight

'til every wee part of me's wet


oh i squirm and i whirl to the music

moon's performing with stars as they sing

time worn tales of the tree living lovers

and the joy their rejoining will bring


now when you awake in an hour

having dreamed once again our shared dream

and you stretch in the new risen sunlight

you will hear some far animal scream


it may sound like a woman frustrated

or perhaps like a woman in lust

all your thoughts will spin swiftly to northward

as you scent a familiar sweet must


then you'll harden at memory's savor

clenched by craving caresses of old

and begin to consider new actions

that others might find rather bold


lumination will drown out all worry

ancient spirits shall unearth a way

t'wards long detoured core deep reunion

gentle light guide our path to that day


touch my mind feel my fevered blood churning

pounding hearts match in shared echo beat

breathe in ragged and haunted and burning...

know the soul that's been laid at your feet

*breathe in deep, hold on tight, eye to eye, grin to grin, fall on in, please...Where stories live. Discover now