Chapter 38

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Everything was chaos.

Ladybug was screaming. Chat Noir was screaming. Hawkmoth was screaming. Danny was sweating.

Danny's eyes searched the room in a panic as he simultaneously held onto Ladybug and dodged Chat's desperate attempts at freeing her. Where was that guy?? Where was Hawkbutt that giant asshole that Danny REALLY wanted to kick his buttbfkcjkdkd.

Danny found a staircase and jumped down, because the man was clearly not on this floor.

What he was was shouting at him in his head about what did he think he was doing. Danny ignored him completely.

"My Lady!" Chat shouted after her.

She wriggled in her bonds. "I don't know! I can't use Lucky Charm!"

Danny was ignoring everything at this point. He ran around like a sniffing hound after a scent.

He was somewhere around here. Somewhere. Close. Down.

He perked up. Hawkmoth was somewhere down. He needed to go down.

They were in a study of some kind, basically wrecking the place. Ladybug and Chat Noir were speaking to each other, frantically. Chat's voice getting increasingly more panicked as he started figuring things out. Even if Danny was paying attention to them, he would feel like he was missing a lot. It was almost like they were speaking through telepathy with how little words they used and how fast they understood each other.

But Danny was too occupied trying to find a way down. How Hawkmoth managed to go through floor beats him, but he wasn't sure if his ghost powers worked like this.

Suddenly a very familiar word echoed through the room and managed to be filtered through the fog in Danny's brain.




Yes. Good idea.

The fire akuma turned around just in time to see Chat hold dark, swirling, dangerous energy in his claws. His lips were pressed thin and his body was shifting as if incredibly uncomfortable. His green eyes jumped from one spot in the room to another and he was taking in short breaths.

Danny took a step back.

Because that cat looked ready to scratch a bitch.

He looked at Danny, desperate. "Please tell me you're wrong."

Danny's shoulders slumped a bit and he looked back at the boy with pity.

That was not the response he wanted to hear. He growled and pounced. Danny was only just able to dodge him and the blond hit the desk instead. That didn't stop him.

He kicked it and it went crashing against the wall. "NO! It's not true!"

Danny and Ladybug exchanged some glances. She was still wrapped in his scarf, but she'd managed to dislodge her arms. Now, however, she was only worried and angry and confused and betrayed. This was not fair for her partner, one of her best friends, her future husband.

He did not deserve this.

Chat tried to tackle him again, but Danny slapped him with his scarf. The raven's eyes widened for a second when he realized the fire at the end of his scarf had creeped up closer to him. He quickly let go of Ladybug before he accidentally burned her.

She dropped on her feet, but didn't make a move on the akuma.

Chat had no qualms of holding back and figuring it out. He screamed through his teeth and held his claw filled with destructive energy out, ready to rip the butterfly out of his friend and get this over with. He didn't want to know if Danny was right. Didn't want to see. He'd break. He would break. He didn't want to see.

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