Chapter 33

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Darn it. I missed a week.

It was Monday the day after.

Danny had raced through the homework and thankfully the teacher didn't notice he was writing bullshit when she passed to check. Danny promised himself he'd make it properly later, but knew he had a knack at breaking promises to himself. He was eternally grateful he didn't need to turn in the homework like he used to in Amity Park, although that was something he could use to boost up his grade. Now, his whole grade counted on the tests.

That day passed on normally. Danny had to sit in the back of the class now, because his papis would disrupt the students, as the teachers put it. There were so many butterflies. But he didn't mind that at the moment. The teacher wouldn't notice if his eyes were directed to a random point of the whiteboard for a long time, himself to deep in his thoughts.

Finally he dropped down on his bed at home and groaned.

His phone buzzed, but he didn't feel like looking at it. Then his ringtone went off.

He moaned and snatched it up, blearingly looking at the contact. He clicked on 'answer'. "What's up."



"Me and LB were wondering if you would join us and hang out."

Another voice piped in. Ladybug. "You know, just us swinging around buildings and pranking civilians. It'll be fun!"

Danny frowned, amused. "That will either end up with a ghost with millions of butterflies flying above Paris or Parisians having to see their heroes swing around an innocent civilian across the Eiffel Tower. Frankly, I'm not a fan of either of those."

Ladybug puffed some air in feigned disappointment. "Fine. We'll hang out on the Sacré-Cœure. You boring jerk."

Danny snorted. "Since when is hanging out on a famous church boring?"

Chat Noir probably rolled his eyes. "Since it's a normal Wednesday. When can we pick you up?"

Danny sighed, knowing he wasn't getting out of this one. Besides, he could use some more time with his friends. Back at school he'd been able to get out of his head more by talking to the others, but it had still been pretty muted. "Go ahead and come now, babe," he teased. "I'll change really quick so knock first."

Chat gave him a 'kay' before hanging up.

Danny put on a hoodie, because it was getting kind of chilly outside, and slipped on his sneakers.

He sat on his bed for a moment thinking about whether he should bring his phone with him but decided he didn't care about the rest of the world right now so he let it fall on the covers.

The boy opened his bedroom door and yelled down the hallway. "Mom! I'm going out with some friends!"

"Until what time?!"

"I don't know, but I'm not bringing my phone!"

"Ok, sweetie! Be careful! Be back before dinner or you'll have to eat it cold! Remember to not tuck your thumb in and go for the throat!"

"Sure, mom!"

The heroes had arrived and were tapping on his window. Danny opened the glass door next to it to step out on the balcony.

The two miraculous holders were grinning at him, obviously both in a good mood. Danny could already feel his own improving.

"Alright. Let's go. Chat, turn around," he instructed the boy, who rose his eyebrows but turned.

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