Distance |J.M.|REQUESTED|

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For leenelqirem

PLOT: I like him but he doesn't like me back after a while I move on and he starts to like me. We start to drift apart after 1 year we start to like each other again and I ask him on a date and he says yes

YOUR NAME: Kylie Diaz

Looks like Madison Beer

Boy: Jonah

Kylie's POV

Senior year of high school. Honestly, the year that I wish I could just sit back and slide right on through. But with the people and teachers in my school here in Stillwater, Minnesota, we don't have fun days. Mainly because of Jonah Marais Roth Frantzich. He was the bad boy that didn't do his homework and had every girl gawking over him. I wasn't honestly. Boys like him don't mix with girls like me. 

I had no friends in school but neither did Jonah. My reasoning was because I was quiet and didn't like to talk much. I was more focused on grades and getting into my dream school. Jonah was more focused on being the worst possible student and also weirdly he was always in the music room. 

I walked into my first-hour class which happened to be Music and heard a piano and some soft singing. The singing sounded quite masculine for it to be a girl. I peeked around the corner and saw Jonah sitting there singing a familiar song.

I wanted to move to LA
But this is your home
You wanted to stay
We never talked about it ending
Only our future
You said this was our time,
To just hold on
and maybe I held too long
How can you stand to fake it
When you know it's my heart your breaking
You left me that day, I needed to go
And how can you stand
to chance it
When you know it's my soul you wrecked it
I'm leaving you now, you'll know when I'm gone
I said I would, I meant it

I had softly joined in on the next part of the song only because I knew the song. He had quickly turned his head when he heard my voice. It went perfectly with his. 

And what were you thinking
I never thought this would be us, 
I still miss you
And ohhhh
How can you stand to fake it
When you know it's my heart your breaking
You left me that day, I needed to go
And how can you stand to chance it
When you know it's my soul you wrecked it
I'm leaving you now, you'll know when I'm gone
I said I would, I meant it

He stood up and walked over to me.

"How do you know that song?" he questioned.

"I heard it coming from my sister's room and she gave me the lyric video for it, how do you know it?" I softly spoke.

"I wrote it and sang it," he spoke softening up a bit when he noticed I meant no harm.

"You have a good voice," I complimented him.

"Thanks, you do too," he spoke and walked over to a seat. I walked to a seat in the first row and set my things down. A few more classmates came in and started laughing and smiling. I heard a few mumbles about people hearing singing in here earlier. I quickly glanced at Jonah and saw him on his phone. He glanced up at me and smiled softly at me. People noticed and quickly started murmuring things about what they just saw. I softly smiled back and turned to the front of the room. The teacher walked in and slowly the classroom became quiet. 

"Today we will begin doing duets, please pick a partner and start working on a duet to perform," the teacher spoke. Everybody started grabbing partners and some girls kept asking Jonah. He turned them down and looked at me.

"Partners?" he asked and the whole room got quiet.

"Sure," I spoke and walked over to him. Everybody then started whispering and mumbling things about Jonah and I. I saw some guys that Jonah had talked to every once in a while, they were also shocked. I pulled out my laptop and Jonah had pulled his out too.  We had decided on doing a song that we had never sung before, so we had chosen Sad Song by We The Kings. Over the next few days, we had practiced and practiced. I soon started to like him.

Third Person

Jonah and Kylie had gained feelings for each other. Little did they know Jonah had to move to Los Angeles to be in a band. Jonah didn't want to tell her and hurt her feelings but he also didn't want to just leave and hurt her feelings. He just decided on leaving without telling her. He didn't show up to school the next week. Or the week after that, or any time after that. Kylie had become sad and depressed. Usually happy, now sad. 

The only people that knew what had happened was a select few guys in the school. Honestly, Kylie had wondered why he never told her anything about leaving. 

One day Jonah was on the TV with his new bandmates. Kylie was sitting on the couch eating a sandwich. Every night her father would watch the nightly news. The news anchor was introducing the band and Jonah was right there in Minnesota again. Kylie thought nothing of it and just stayed still. 

Kylie's POV

Over the next few months, I had started to get into the music more from Jonah's band. His voice soothed me and made me feel happier. I had gotten tickets for their first tour, my parents decided on letting me go to LA by myself in hopes that I would like it there. My parents wanted me to go to college in LA because of the opportunities I could have. I flew to LA and went straight to the show. I had a limelight ticket and so I was happy.


Jonah was waiting for Limelight to begin. Meeting fans were always his favorite part of the shows. He quickly walked outside and took a glance at the line. He saw a familiar face but didn't think much of it. Jonah walked back inside.

As Jonah peeked out Kylie had looked at the door and saw him. Her heart started racing, her head started pounding, she saw the man she loved again. 

Limelights soon started piling in and Jonah saw yet again the familiar face. He just couldn't remember her name. It was soon Kylie's turn to hug the boys and meet them. Kylie had hugged everybody but Jonah before the picture. She had DMed Tyler before the show so that way she could be last and get longer time with the boys. 

Jonah was confused because Kylie didn't hug him. Fans had seen it. After the picture was taken she hugged Jonah and whispered in his ear.

"It's nice to see you again Jojo," she whispered and held onto him. Jonah's eyes had widened and he realized who she was. 

"Kylie," he whispered and held onto her.

"Why did you leave without telling me?" Kylie had asked.

"I didn't want to hurt you by telling you, you would have slipped away from me," he spoke softly. At this point fans were furious and recorded the two together.

"I missed you so much Jonah... I can't afford to miss you anymore please, be mine," Kylie spoke. Jonah's eyes widened and he smiled.

"Of course Kylie," he smiled and leaned down and kissed her lips.

It didn't take long for the videos to go around the internet. But nobody hated on Jonah or Kylie. 

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