Corbyn Imagine #1

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Corbyn had always been there for you. Even though he had a brat of a girlfriend. His girlfriends were always brats towards you. From him having a girlfriend with thousands of tattoos to him having a girlfriend that always parties and comes home drunk to just have sex with him. Corbyn had never believed you when you told him what she did. His girlfriend was cheating on him with his brother. Corbyn had never wanted to be heartbroken by somebody he thought he loved. The thing is that he didn't love any of his girlfriends. He was in love with his best friend. The girl that had told him when his girlfriend was doing something wrong, the girl who was always there for him, the girl that would never cheat on him, the girl that was the one for him. She was everything. To when he wanted to go shopping, go to starbucks, or just go for a walk. SHE WAS THERE.

Corbyn had always been told to follow his dreams of a girl. So he was. When she wanted to stop being friends, Corbyn had talked her out of it. Corbyn was the right man for her. She was the right girl for him. Soon enough he would come running to her because she was right about his girlfriend. Nobody could tell him that she was right when all along he knew she was right. All Corbyn wanted was to be held in her arms. The way she should be held in his arms. All along he knew she was the one for him. Not another girl. But her. The girl who had it all. The girl he met at a concert. The girl that was his one and only. Soon he would admit he loved her. He thought he would be crushed because she wouldn't love or even like him back and she'd want to end the friendship and he'd let her go. The only time he'd let her go would be when she broke his heart. But that never happened. 

Corbyn wasn't brokenhearted. He was anything but brokenhearted. He fell even more in love with her. Just watching her dance and swing her hips to one of his band's songs. Stopping singing when his voice came through the speakers. If she had caught him, he'd be screwed. She would think of him as a creep. Nobody would love him. 

A long time ago she had a crush on Jack. Now she was falling for Corbyn. The bleach blonde boy that always had a girlfriend. The boy who was always there for her. She knew it was meant to be. While she was dancing she had caught a peek of Corbyn watching her from the couch. The boys were all watching what was going down. Jack had a goal. To get the two together. And he did. He had soon gotten them together and watched them grow as a couple. 

They got married. 

Had kids.

Succeeded as a pair.

Then in the end.

Died happily.

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