We Belong Together | J.A.

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We were broken.

But we love each other.

We need each other.

We can't decide if we are needed in this world.

But do we belong together?

Jack and Y/n had broken up with each other for a reason. Jack was going on tour and Y/N was going on tour as well but different tours. The rest of the boys shipped them hard and nobody understood why. They seemed inseparable, Jack was always cuddling with Y/n while Y/n was on her phone. Jack had always smiled at her and never wanted to leave her. But when she was called for tour and so was he, he thought he'd never be able to compete with the rest of the boys she'd meet. 

Y/n never wanted to see Jack gone either. She loved him with all of her heart, his neediness and him being clingy she loved him for that.

Both of them had previously been cheated on but Jack wanted to start over with someone new and that girl had been Y/n. Jack wanted something more with her and she wanted something more with him. They were in love but neither of them had admitted it to the world. 

Jack had repeatedly texted her to try to get back together.

Please Y/n I need you in my life literally like limelight. I need you to be next to me forever. I love you with all of my heart and I want to shout it to the rooftops that I am in love with you. I love you for you and I am sorry for breaking us up. I need you back, i am willing to fly out to your next show to show you how much I am in love with you. please y/n i love you.

Y/n had texted back once

Jack please, I love you too nows not the time if you do want to see me ft me. I really love you.

As the days went on both of them never had the courage to face time each other or text each other again. Soon they were both back home from tour. The bad thing that had to happen was that Jack and Y/n still shared a room togehter. Would they survive? 

They survived being in the same room and in the same bed. Jack wanted to ask her to be his again but didnt have the courage. Y/n wanted to talk to him but she didnt have the courage either. Would either one of them ever find a way to love eachother again? 

Jonah had noticed how they acted near eachother but never said anything to them but only to the rest of the boys. Corbyn wanted them back togehter so did the rest of the boys but nobody wanted to tell them they should sooner than later. 

Y/n had went out with some of her friends because they all knew she was down in the dumps but they couldnt get her out of the state of mind she was in. They wanted to help her but they couldnt do a thing to help.

Jack had gone out with the guys and they never said a thing about how jack was acting. The only thing they did was try to get his mind off of her. Did it work? no it didn't.

Jack and the guys got home at the exact same time y/n and her friends got home. Did that help? it only helped jack know that she was safe. He wanted her but he thought she hated him.

She wanted him but she thought he hated her.

Zach wanted to talk to Y/n so he did. He pointed out to her that jack was still in love with her and she should try to talk to him. He could tell Y/n wanted to talk to him but she thought he had already moved on because he was always on his phone. But in reality he was stalking fans who had made edits of the both of you togehter. He missed holding you tight and whispering in your ear that everything will be alright. He missed being able to kiss you and cuddle with you. He missed your smile, your laugh, and most importatnly he missed you all together.

Jack had soon gotten the courage to talk to you but how he had gotten the courage nobody knew how he did.

"y/n... can we please talk?" he had asked you. All you could do was nod because you didnt want to scare him away.

"I miss you and I want us back because you know what?" he asked.

"What?" you asked him back.

"We belong together."

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