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He is the f-boy of the school and he slept with every girl except me and I keep rejecting him but he keeps going after me. And then we get assigned to do a project together and we kiss and start to have feelings for each other then he asks me to be his girlfriend and I accept.

Your Name: Maggie Lindemann

Boy: Zach

Maggie's POV

Zach Herron, the f-boy of the school. He has gotten with every other girl in our school except for me. I am actually thankful for that honestly. I don't need to end up like Daniella, who is now pregnant with triplets, or like Chrissy, who is pregnant with twins. I am perfectly fine being the type of girl I am. I love music, fashion and so much more. I am honestly so confused on why he wants me.

"Hey gorgeous," I heard Zach shout from the end of the hallway. I groaned and shut my locker. He quickly walked to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Get off Herron or I will tell the principal," I spoke and he let go. 

"Come on baby, I just wanna get to know you a lil," he said and winked. That made me throw up in my mouth honestly. 

"Don't ever call me baby, like honestly if you do again I will throw up on you," I spoke and walked away. I walked to my first-hour class and sat in my seat. I heard that today we would be starting a project.

Right as the bell ran Zach had walked into the room also and sat in his normal seat which happened to be near Daniella. Daniella started to eye him up and down and then started to touch him on his thigh. I gagged and looked at my notebook that I was doodling in.

"Can you please stop touching me?" he asked her and everybody looked over at them.

"But Zachy," she spoke with a pouty face. He pushed her away from him and the whole class laughed.

"Does Zach like somebody?" my friend had mumbled. I looked over at her and shrugged.

"Alright class, today we will be starting a project!" our teacher exclaimed. Everybody started eyeing their partner that they always worked with.

"Ooh yes," Zach spoke like he had known something none of us didn't know.

"But, I will be picking your partners," the teacher spoke and everybody groaned, "let's do it a bit differently today. I have a bucket of boys names right here and whoever's name I pull out will get to choose their partner of the opposite sex."

Oh no, what if he pulls out Zach's name and I am put with him?

"The first name is, Daniel. Pick your partner," the teacher spoke.

"I pick... Carly," Daniel spoke and Carly smiled. 

"The second name is, Zachary. Pick your partner," the teacher spoke and Zach instantly looked at me.

"I pick Maggie," Zach spoke with a smile on his face. What is up with this boy? All of the other girls he didn't try so hard with. So why me? Daniella glared at me and poked Zach.

"Why not me?" she asked him. 

"Because your no fun and old, and pregnant," he said and the whole class got quiet. I guess only a select few knew she was pregnant. 

"Because of you!" she yelled.

"Then maybe you should have been more like Maggie!" he yelled back. Why did I have to be brought into this?

"Oh be more like Maggie, that's all I ever hear at home!" she yelled. Oh, right she is my sister... I know, I'm gonna be an aunt to 3 twerps. 

"Then maybe try to be like her," he said and walked over to me. My eyes widened and looked at him. 

"What just happened?" my friend whispered in my ear and walked to her partner.

"Sorry about that. Sometimes your sister can be a really rude person," he spoke and pulled out materials that we would need as I pulled out my laptop. 

"So what is our topic?" I asked softly.

"Romance Play called Romeo and Juliet," Zach spoke reading exactly what was on the paper. Romeo and Juliet had multiple kissing scenes. Surely Zach would pick one of those.

"A classic Shakespear play. I like it," I spoke softly.

"So there is mostly kissing scenes that we have to choose from and one of them involves death," Zach spoke.

"You can pick the scene I guess," I quietly said and started typing up things we would need. 

As days went on we had finally chosen our scene. We started to make props and outfits to ensure that we both got a good grade. Next, we started rehearsing everything but the kiss. 

Days turned into weeks and soon the day that I had dreaded, the play day came along. The day where I would have to kiss the f-boy of our school. But honestly, I had gained feelings for the boy. Only wanting to actually practice the kiss. Why was it this way? I had no idea why but my heart ached for him and had only wanted me to kiss him. I had fallen in love with Zach Herron.

Third Person

Slowly the two teens had fallen for each other. Zach had lost his f-boy ways in hope to make Maggie fall for him. Her long black hair made his heart beat faster, the way she studied the lines and had helped him fit into his outfit, her getting close to his face pretending to kiss him for the play. Everything had made Zach Herron fall for Maggie. Maggie had fallen for Zach also, only wanting to actually kiss him and not fake it. Today was the day that her wish would come true. 

Early in class, the two were excused to get ready to perform theirs. Zach and Maggie changed in the locker rooms. They had no idea that the other had liked them back. Just before the play begun Maggie's friend walked to her and gave her a small pep talk. Maggie was ready, more than ready, to kiss the boy.

Just as they were to kiss the fire alarm had gone off and everybody had to flee the school. The two teens would eventually have to finish the play. But when was it to happen? 

Days later they were told they had to finish the play later in class. The only thing left was the kiss. They had to make the students time worth their while. 

The two teens had slowly leaned in and kissed. Both felt fireworks in their stomachs and hearts. It slowly turned into a mini makeout. The two loved it, but Daniella didn't. She quickly stood up and tore the two apart. Daniella slapped Maggie and walked out of the room. Zach quickly hugged Maggie to let her cry. Maggie cried into Zach's chest. Zach foolishly said those 3 words.

"I love you," he spoke. Maggie looked at him shocked.

"I love you too," she spoke and kissed him again. 

"Will you please be my girlfriend, because you're all I've ever wanted," he spoke.

"Yes, of course, I will," she replied smiling.

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