Dared Love |J.A.|REQUEST|

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Name: Jasmine

Boy: Jack

For: blushinloser

Plot: Jack is dared to do something and jasmine ends up getting hurt by it


Jasmine's POV

It was all just a dare. I wish I would have known then. Maybe my friendships would be still there. Maybe there wouldn't be cuts all over my arms. I wish I could change it all.


Jack had walked into school for the first time that week. He had habits of not being in school for most of the week. But nobody knew really what was up. He had been through so much. Only I knew what was going on.

"My parents are getting a divorce. I need somebody to make me smile," he said. I tried to make him happy. He wanted to be happy but he never smiled once. I missed his smile. His depression took over.

"Jack please... smile, for me," I tried to tell him every day. He had just kept ignoring what I said. The only thing I could think of was dating him or something.

Jack's POV

This dare was getting the worst of me. My mission was to make Jasmine all mine. She was a shy and quiet girl. She never deserved to be brought into a dare. I genuinely liked her. But I knew I had to do this in order to make my friends happy. Jasmine was going to be mine whether she liked it or not.

Jasmine's POV

He had come up to me and kissed me while we were at a small cafe. All of his friends were there and I was shocked. I wasn't the type of girl that would be chosen by a guy like him. He had everything and I had nothing. He already has his future planned out for him. I had nothing planned out for my future.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that. I was just in the moment, he said and looked down and sat next to me.

"No, it's fine. If it's what makes you happy I'm fine with it," I spoke. Truly I meant it. But partially I wanted him more than he wanted me. He had tried to make me feel safe and at home but I kept pushing him further away. I myself had been going through something hard. My own parents were leaving me alone with some imbeciles, whom they called their parents. They were rude, racist, horrible people altogether. I didn't understand how somebody could be so rude. Jack had tried to come to my house on many occasions but my "grandparents" had told him to leave because I was doing something when in reality I was never doing something.

"I've been trying to come to see you... the old people that answer the door keep saying you're busy," Jack said frowning. I hadn't wanted to tell him what was happening because most of the girls were spreading it around.

"I can't have people over, but I can try to go to your house," I said and looked in my locker. He quickly kissed my cheek and turned away and walked towards his friends. I didn't even have enough time to say anything to him. He was slowly making me fall faster.

Days later I had snuck out of the house and went to his house. He was there waiting for me and smiled hugely when he saw me.

Jack's POV

This dare was killing me. I was slowly falling for her. This was all just meant to be a dare before I moved to LA with the guys. Soon enough I would have to tell her. She would be devastated. I know she will.

"Hi cutie," I spoke and she walked into my arms.

"Hi handsome," she spoke and my heart ached more for her. It hurt me so much that I was doing this to her.

"So wanna go on a date?" I asked hoping she would say yes.

"I can't. My parents want me to go on a trip with them for a week," she spoke. I slowly nodded my head.

"I understand," I spoke and walked away from her and back to my friends.

"So when are you going to break up with her?" Daniel Seavey the leader of all of this asked me.

"I dunno, she's going on a trip soon," I said and looked inside my locker.

"Break up with her over text during her vacation," Zach Herron said. Although he was the youngest of our friend group, he was the worst of them all.

"I could do that," I said and grabbed my textbooks and closed my locker. I looked over at her and she had flung her bag over her shoulder and walked out of the school. What was I gonna do?

Jasmine's POV

After he walked away I listened to the guys' conversation a bit. He was planning on breaking up with me? I've been nothing but perfect for him and this is how he is gonna treat me? I quickly walked to my car and got in. I saw him and his friends behind me and they got into a black van.

If he wanted to break up why didn't he just tell me before he told his friends about it? I want to be there for him and make him happy. Why doesn't he understand that?

Jack's POV

It was a week later and Jasmine had been gone for a few days now. The guys kept bothering me about this whole ordeal of me breaking up with her over text. Soon enough I had texted her.


Hi Jasmine. Can we talk?


Uhm sure... what's up?


I think we should break up...


I knew you'd say that... I guess we are no longer an item.


I'm sorry... It was all just a dare.


Great. I'm now just some item that can be used in dares and never thought about. I have feelings jack. And I was actually starting to fall in love with you.


I'm sorry



Jasmine's POV

Now here I am sitting in an expensive hotel room bathroom, with cuts all over my arms because of a guy. Why did I ever think he would love me. I am so stupid.

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