Jack Imagine #2

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I am Jack Avery's girlfriend, y/n. I have anxiety but nobody other than Jack really knows about it. Lately fans have been following us around seeing what we are doing. I am starting to get scared on what they might do. The Limelight fandom is getting bigger and stronger. With more of them, more problems with crazy fan encounters. A couple days ago Christina and I were surrounded by fans. Christina knows somewhat about my anxiety. She quickly yelled at the fans telling them to back up and go away. They all listened but a few. Their words keep on repeating in my head.

"You are no good for Jack"

"Your a nothing to Jack"

"Why is Jack even dating you?"

Christina soon pushed them all away.

"She has fucking anxiety now back the Fuck off!" Christina yelled. She quickly grabbed my arm and we ran out of the store. Jack has only heard a little bit about what had happened.

"Babe, I really want to know what all happened at the mall the other day," Jack said worriedly.

"Fans surrounded me and started asking me why your with me, telling me I'm not good for you, and that I'm nothing to you," I said while tears were slipping out of my eyes.

"Sweetheart, you are everything to me, you are more than better for me, and I'm with you because you complete me. Don't listen to what they say okay? They just want to be closer to me," he said looking me in the eyes and wiping away my tears.

"I love you Jack," I said smiling for once.

"I love you too, y/n" he said smiling because I was smiling.

Soon enough I got a notification that Jack had tweeted something out.

Y/n has anxiety. I know what happened the other day in the mall. Please stay away from her.

And to those questions you guys have been asking her, she means the world to me. She is more than perfect to me and I'm with her because she is who she is. She completes me and quite frankly, I am in love with her.

If you guys don't like who I'm dating then you aren't a true limelight. Please respect her privacy. That is the reason all of her accounts are private.

I looked over at Jack and leaped onto him and hugged him tightly. He kissed my forehead.

"Thank you Jack," I said.

"Your welcome princess," he said.

420 words. How? What? When?

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