Chapter 20 : Cataclysm

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So there we were, stuck in a dream world of pretty much my own devising, fighting off creepy half-cat ladies and creepier ghost soldiers and just when it seemed like I had finally picked the winning team, the person who's butt we were trying to kick nabbed the hot dreamboat in the black leather.

"That's Chat Noir, Sphinx," I said as calmly as possible. After all, she had Chat by the bell, I didn't want to risk setting her off...more than she already was into the deep end of the crazy pool. Both Ladybug and I tried to edge into a better position to attack without alerting Sphinx. "You remember him right?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady. Sphinx stared at me, her eyes unfocused and glazed, and for a second I didn't think she recognized me. Clearly she was reaching the limits of her energy reserves.

"There is something about him...something familiar." She insisted.

"Can't imagine what that could be." Chat Noir said weakly. "I'm just a regular pussycat."

Sphinx's eyes narrowed.

"You remind me of the Destroyer." She growled. "He was always one for annoying jokes."

Chat's body went fuzzy for a second then he solidified.

"Never heard of him," he said, but he sounded shaky.

Sphinx's nostrils flared and she breathed deeply.

"You smell like him too."

"Uh, well we cats all like the same thing, fish, catnip, a ball to play with..."

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Ladybug signaling me and in unison we dove, Ladybug throwing her yo-yo to wrap around Sphinx's arms. I unsheathed my claws, ready to attack, but an instant later, Sphinx had disappeared and Ladybug and I both had to twist in the air to avoid hitting each other.

"Where did she go?" I asked, looking around wildly.

"There! She's over there!" Ladybug said, pointing. I turned, Sphinx was a good hundred feet away, and we could see Chat struggling in obvious distress.

"Let go of him!" Ladybug shouted in frustration, but Sphinx ignored her. Ladybug held up her gauntlet, activating the hand canon, but Sphinx saw and yanked Chat in front of her as a shield.

"Go ahead," she dared Ladybug. "I only want the Destroyer but if you kill us both I'll die satisfied."

"Shoot her, Ladybug!" Chat encouraged her bravely, "If this wacko is gone then [Y/N] gets her body back."

"Don't be stupid!" I shouted back at him, "I'm not worth you sacrificing yourself!"

"Do it!" Sphinx said.

"Do it!" Said Chat.

"NO! Don't do it!" I yelled.

"Everyone be quiet!!" Ladybug lowered her cannon. "Did you honestly think I was going to shoot?" She asked us all in annoyance.

"I was paw-sitive you'd make the right choice." Chat said weakly and Ladybug rolled her eyes.

"Really kitty? Does this seem like the time?"

"Humans, you're all a bunch of weaklings." Sphinx said in disgust. "I guess if I want to kill the Destroyer, I'll have to do the job myself." She raised her claw to Chat's throat.

"Wait!" It was a high, nasally voice with no logical origin. We all looked around in confusion. The voice came again.

"Don't hurt him, I'm here, Sphinx, I surrender!"

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