Chapter 4 : Meet Gabriel Agreste

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The ride couldn't have been more than fifteen minutes but it felt longer. Hawkmoth manned the controls in silence, so I spent the time curled up on the carpet with my wings pressed against my back, as my body could not fit in any of the seats that lined the wall of the craft. I was grateful when the stealth plane slowed to a stop and the door opened, as I was able to get out and stretch my wings.

"Welcome," said a clipped, formal voice from the shadows and I spun around in surprise. The room was dim, with a high, arched ceiling and shuttered windows. Designs of butterflies could be seen on windows, walls, even floor tiles. A tall, thin man dressed in white and red stepped forward from the gloom, holding out a hand in welcome.

"My name is Gabriel Agreste, you could say I'm Hawkmoth's associate." He said in slightly accented English. He examined my hand as he shook it like it was a specimen under a microscope.

"So, you're what, Hawkmoth's sidekick?" I ask, and his eyes look up in annoyance, lock on mine.

"I prefer the term, associate." He says sharply, "I provide Hawkmoth with a lot of necessities, financial backing – like that stealth craft for example. I am no more her sidekick then you are a flying cat."

My tail swished in irritation at that insult and his eyes followed the movement, fascinated.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," I snap. He looks away instantly.

"I apologize," he said, though he didn't look sorry. "I have never seen anything like you. Is it true you can transform at will? And you can hold your form for extended periods of time?"

Something about this guy had my hackles up, and I hesitated before answering. In truth I didn't know how long I could hold my Sphinx form, but the longer I stayed, the more I was affected when I changed back. My legs felt strange for days afterward, my eyes could see better at night, and I had strange cravings for raw meat that demanded I eat sushi for at least three days afterwards. Once or twice I had caught myself chasing a bird. But worse, were the mood swings. My temper would rise and fall dramatically, and I arrogance, a superiority that seemed to expect a level of respect and deference given to royalty.

"It has its advantages and limits, just like any power," I finally say, and Gabriel Agreste looks disappointed. I decide to change the subject.

"So why exactly am I here?" I ask, and I see Hawkmoth glance at Gabriel Agreste.

" We require your services to uncover the secret identities of two super villains who have been terrorizing Paris for months. Ladybug and Chat Noir." Hawkmoth presses a button on the wall and it opens, revealing a TV monitor. "A year ago these two stole two objects from me, known as Miraculouses – or Miraculi since there are two of them. They're incredibly powerful, and can be used for great good or evil."

The monitor flickered on, to reveal two objects, a pair of red and black spotted earrings and a black ring with a green catspaw in the center.

"When these villains activate the Miraculous, they become Ladybug and Chat Noir." The image on the screen changes and I see two very familiar faces.

"Polka-dot girl and Cat boy?" I say in disgust, "I knew they were up to no good."

Hawkmoth nods in agreement.

"Unfortunately, we are the only people who share your opinion. They have made themselves out to be the heroes of Paris."

"How?" I ask, and again I see Hawkmoth glance at Gabriel Agreste. She might be the superhero, but something told me that he still called the shots.

Spirit of the Sphinx || Miraculous Fan Fiction ( Chat Noir X Ladybug X Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz