Chapter 7 : "Chat" Me If You Can

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[Y/F/N] = Your First Name

I was soaring over wide expanses of fertile ground, a wide blue river shimmering below me. I circled higher and higher, borne upwards by warm thermal updrafts, then I suddenly tucked my wings into my sides and dove with a triumphant cry, reveling in the feeling of the wind rushing past my face and the joy of being alive.

Then, the scene before my eyes changed, I was in the Egyptian tomb again, the walls and ceiling crumbling around me.

"Y/F/N] run!!" my Dad shouted as he disappeared under an avalanche of rock and sand. I ran blindly, the amulet I had found seeming to grow warmer and warmer, when unexpectedly, the floor gave way and I was falling, falling, into utter blackness.

"Help me!!" I screamed as I flailed away at the smothering...blankets?

I punched and kicked my way free of the suffocating sheets and comforters, and sat up, gulping in air.

For a second, I couldn't remember where I was, then I recognized the guest room through a shaft of moonlight. I had fallen asleep in the lake-sized bed after dinner, too tired to take Adrian up on his extremely tempting offer to play video games in his room.

The digital clock on the bedside table read 2 AM but the nightmare still haunted me, there was no way I was going to be able to sleep now. I climbed out of bed and pushed open the French doors that led to the balcony. A light breeze caressed my face and I filled my lungs with the sweet Parisian night air.

Down below, the streets were softly lit with street lamps, but with most of the city asleep, the night sounds were hushed and quiet.

I leaned on the railing and closed my eyes. It was so peaceful. If only I could just be me, and forget all about the Agent and Sphinx stuff that had turned my life upside down. Just be a normal kid going to school and hanging with friends and –I thought of Adrian – talking to cute boys. Of course, there were some perks to the job, I told myself. If I'd never been an agent, I'd never have met him in the first place. Or experience what it was like to fly as Sphinx...But no matter what I did, there was no way to get my Dad back.

I reached for Adrian's handkerchief, which I had put in my pocket, but no tears fell this time. And after a moment I shook myself. I didn't have time to grieve, there was work to be done, I reminded myself. My mission was to locate Ladybug and Chat Noir, and uncover their secret identities... Wait, what was I thinking? I had to find them first, and given how large Paris was, I had a billion to one chance of-


I stiffened and turned slowly towards the sound. A boy dressed in a black catsuit and mask couched on the railing, watching me intently. I stumbled back towards my room and Chat Noir held out a hand.

"Please don't be afraid, I'm not going to hurt you." A nervous smile crossed his face. "I'm just a harmless pussycat."

"Yeah?" I asked as calmly as possible, "kinda hard to believe considering what you did to my plane. While I was in it. While it was flying!" I added for emphasis.

"Look, I know it's hard to believe, but I couldn't control myself while I was akumatized," Chat Noir protested. "One minute I was avoiding getting chomped by a T-Rex and then next second I'm stranded inside a giant nest. Almost had to call the fire department to get me down," he added with another smile. When I didn't react he continued, "get it? Cuz when cats get stuck in high places..."

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