Chapter 11: Bye-Bye Pretty Butterfly

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I watch, slightly open-mouthed as Ladybug keeps a grip on the Yo-yo, keeping Matriarch's arms pinned.

"Chat!" She yells, and Chat leaps to attention.

"My lady calls! Be right back!" He says cheerfully, leaping over the desk. I start to follow but he waves me back.

"Stay where it's safe! We've got this!"

Ladybug yelled something, then grunted as Matriarch dragged her forward. Chat lashed out with his stick, using it as a quarterstaff as some of the spider mutants tried to come to her aid.

"What did she say?" I asked.

"Ladybug says the akuma is in the pendant hanging around Matriarch's neck. If we can grab it and smash it, then we can release the evil and things will be reset back to normal." He spun around, whacking the spider that used to be Nino. "Only problem is, one of us needs to get on her back in order to get the thing and my paws are a little full at the moment."

He rolled sideways and a web attached itself to the wall, barely missing his head.

"I could do it," Chat said, fighting off the girl in pink, "If I use my staff to pole vault onto her back, I can use my Cataclysm to destroy it, but then Ladybug is defenseless."

I hear a crackling noise as another spider mutant fights its way out of its web cocoon. I hear another noise, closer, and turn just in time to kick at a spider boy with red hair. He stumbles back a pace and gets his foot caught in webbing. He hisses, trying to pull free.

"We're going to be over run in a moment," I observe grimly. "Keep the spider-things occupied, I'll steal the pendant."

"No way." Chat says firmly. "Stay there where it's safe."

"Look Puss in Boots," I retort, irritated, "there's not going to be a safe place in a moment, and since no one gave me a super-powered stick or yo-yo, my only other option is waiting to get webbed and mutated." Or blow my own secret identity when I transform into my alter ego I thought silently. That option was becoming more and more likely with every second. "So either you let me help or I give it a shot on my own."

"Qu'a-t-elle dit?" Ladybug asks.

Chat translates, looking annoyed. Immediately Ladybug lets loose a full stream of irate words in French.

"Non, non, elle doit rester là où c'est en sécurité. Kitty, si elle essaye d'attraper ce pendentif et qu'elle se blesse, je lierai ta queue dans un noeud."

She stops to take a breath. I cock an eyebrow.

"What did she say?"

"She said no," Chat replies shortly, sweeping the legs out from under a boy wearing a green shirt. "And I agree."

I shake my head in exasperation. What was it with this girl trying to protect m-

I freeze as something clicks in my head. Two girls with the same hairstyle, the same eyes; the same annoying hero attitude. I looked toward the door, just to make sure. Just as I thought, the whole thing was still covered with webs, with the exception of the small hole I'd cut in the middle. So the only way Ladybug could have gotten into the classroom was if...she'd been inside the whole time.

I stared at Ladybug, no Marinette, not quite believing my eyes.

"Look out!" Chat yelled.

Too late, the spider thing that had once been a boy wearing a skull shirt swung down like a monkey and snatched me up, swinging us both in a dizzy arc over the classroom.

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