Chapter 18 : Rescue

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There was a polite knock on the door and Ladybug entered, clutching a bag in one hand.

"Master Fu! I got the ingredients you asked for!" She said breathlessly. She dropped an envelope on the counter as well. "I also was doing some research on Agent Sphinx. There doesn't appear to be any official pictures of her, but there have been a few sightings of her –mostly in America- fighting crime that are almost two years old!"

"That matches with the trip [Y/N]'s father took to Egypt." Chat said, trying to peek into the bag Ladybug was holding. "What are these ingredients? They smell funny." He complained, wrinkling his nose and sneezing.

"Back off, Kitty," Ladybug laughed, pushing him away. "Didn't you know curiosity killed the cat?"

"Satisfaction brought him back, bugaboo." Chat said with a wink. He tried to snatch the bag from Ladybug but she held it out of reach.

"Don't make me get the spray bottle," Ladybug scolded.

"I'll take my chances," Chat Noir purred, trying to reach around Ladybug. "Besides, this cat doesn't mind a little water."

"Enough playing, young ones, we have work to do." Master Fu intercepted the bag before Chat could steal it and began laying the items out on the counter.

He put a pot on a small stove and turned on the heat. Taking out the worn, leather book Adrian had brought him, Master Fu began adding ingredients to the pot, consulting the pages every now and then.

"Dream walking?" Chat queried, catching sight of the title at the top of the page. "I didn't know that was possible."

"The Egyptians had a belief that a person's spirit, was divided into three parts. The Ka, Ba, and Akh." Master Fu explained. "The life force that was separated from the body after death was the 'Ka,' while the 'Ba' was the part of the soul that could travel between the worlds of life and death. This spell here," he said tapping the book, "will be able to briefly release your 'Ka' in order to merge with the body of Agent Sphinx. If this works, you will be able to enter her subconscious and defeat the Sphinx trying to control [Y/N] from the inside."

The concoction Master Fu was creating began to simmer in the heat and emit interesting smells that made Chat feel sleepy.

"But what about our kawamis?" Ladybug asked, looking nervous. "If we take the potion, will they be left behind?"

She's worried that her secret identity will be revealed in dream world, Chat thought, somewhat resentfully, seeing her twist her gloved fingers anxiously. It irritated him that regardless of the multiple life and death situations they had come out of, his partner still didn't trust him enough to share all of herself to him. Like he had done numerous times before, he looked at her face, trying to imagine what his Ladybug looked like without her mask. She reminded him of someone, but the confidence, the assertiveness and ability to accomplish whatever she set her mind to...he was sure had never met anyone like that ever.

"Your kwamis are linked to your mind and body," Master Fu said, calmly shaking the last of the ingredients into the pot. "However since you will only be linked by your mind in the dream world, you must focus on remaining calm and focused, no matter the situation. If you become disconnected from your kwami, it might be difficult to meld back together again."

"That doesn't seem so bad," Chat said confidently. "I can be one cool cat under pressure."

"Do not forget that Sphinx will try to fight you the second she senses your presence, so you must do your best to remain calm."

Spirit of the Sphinx || Miraculous Fan Fiction ( Chat Noir X Ladybug X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now