Chapter 10: Teamwork

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This is nuts, I thought. I'd only been in Paris two days and I'd already had four encounters with superhuman creatures. Hawkmoth had mentioned that Chat Noir and Ladybug created villains on a regular basis in order to claim glory, I guess he wasn't kidding.

The spider-woman-thing smiled at us and scuttled closer, though it did not improve her appearance. She looked like a half-woman half arachnid that had gotten into a paintball fight, then gone to a tie-dye party, as her face, hair and body were covered in bright splotches of color.

"Faire attention!" Marinette shouted and shoved me down, out of the way. A strand of silk, the size of a giant rope slammed into the wall above our heads.

"Look out!" The phone echoed in English. The Spider-insect-thing seemed distracted for a second, looking around for the other voice, then she scuttled towards us, making a clicking sound as she spoke.

"Don't be afraid of the Matriarch, my darlings." The phone translated. "Just let me wrap you in my webs and I will use my powers to make you part of my Cluster. The Matriarch will take care of you and everyone in Paris."

We both jumped back as another silk rope shot out at us.

"Eww!" Marinette said, pulling at her foot. A small glob of web covered her foot, anchoring it to the floor. The Matriarch was getting closer, I grabbed a book lying on the floor and threw it at her. It bounced off her chest and she scuttled back a pace.

"Is that any way to treat your loving mother?"

I took the extra moment to yank at Marinette's arm in an attempt to free her, but she didn't budge.

"Sorry, Mother Dearest," I grunted as I picked up another book and threw it, "But I'm not interested in joining the family business."

The Matriarch was approaching from a different side now, leaving the door open and unblocked.

Marinette shoved at me, pointing towards the door.

"No way I'm leaving you behind," I said firmly.

I hurled a globe that was lying a few feet away and wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling as hard as I could. The webbing stretched slightly, but didn't give. The Matriarch was closing in fast now. I looked around desperately for more ammo to throw, than Marinette shoved me behind her and threw out her arms, shielding me. What is it with this girl trying to protect me? I wondered.

I darted out from behind her and waved my arms.

"Hey! Matriarch! Get me first! Catch me!"

Matriarch scuttled in my direction and I tensed, ready to dodge.

Suddenly a familiar staff shot past my shoulder and slammed into The Matriarch, pinning her to the wall as she squealed and struggled.

"Looked like you needed a paw there," says a welcome voice from behind me, and I see Chat Noir holding his staff like a lance, using all his strength to pinion The Matriarch to the wall. I can't help but smile slightly.

"Never thought I'd be happy to see you." I say.

He grunts as The Matriarch continues to struggle furiously.

"Hurry!" He orders, "I can't hold her forever!"

I dig through my bag, pulling out my student ID.

"Umm, you might need something a little sharp-" Chat starts to say, then stops as the diamond edge slices easily through the webbing on Marinette's foot.

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