Chapter 13: Tell Me Who They Are!

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Gabriel Agreste was staring out the window when I entered the secret room, as if surveying the city. Flashes of eerie lightning lit the sky, followed by thunderous booms that shook the ground. He turned to me, his face a mask of concern.

"Another akuma created by Ladybug and Chat Noir." He said, "I fear my beloved Paris will not be able to last much longer. " The room shook again. "How goes your investigation, Agent [Y/L/N]? Have you uncovered their secret identities?"

I nodded.

"I have." I answered and watched the surprise briefly cross his face.

"Really?" He asked condescendingly, looking back towards the window. "And were you planning on divulging this information any time soon?"I hesitated. 

This was the moment, when I could either be horribly wrong, or I would incur the wrath of someone very dangerous.

"No." I said.The sound seemed to echo throughout the giant room.

 Gabriel Agreste turned slowly to face me.

 "No?" He repeated, and I resisted the urge to take a step backwards at the ominous tone in his voice. "You were hired to do one simple thing, Agent [Y/L/N]. Uncover the secret identities of Ladybug and Chat Noir. If you have learned who they really are, why won't you tell me?"

"I accepted the mission because I was under the impression they were the ones behind the attacks in Paris." I countered. "But that's not true, is it Hawkmoth?"Gabriel flinched slightly at the sound of the name; that was enough of a confirmation for me.

 "You're mistaken, Agent [Y/L/N]" Gabriel replied calmly. "I am merely a humble billionaire who occasionally helps Hawkmoth with funding to keep this city upright."

"No, I'm not." I reply, cutting him off before he could say anything else. "Using a decoy was clever, I'll give you that, except you were practically in charge the whole time. You can't help but take control, that's just your nature, and that's why you would never assist anyone because you prefer to be the boss. It also means you'd need someone subservient you could control to play the decoy, since you don't trust anyone, it's most likely your assistant Natalie played the fake since she knew my identity as Agent Sphinx." 

Gabriel Agreste was quiet for a second, then he chuckled quietly. It was not a pleasant sound.

"Brava, Agent [Y/L/N] I underestimated your intelligence. Perhaps this is a conversation best continued in our superior alter egos?"He whipped away his red ascot, revealing a purple butterfly pin. "Darkwings, form!" He commanded, throwing his arms wide. I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes. Well, when in Rome...

"Guardian of the Gate! Awake!" I returned, as I changed into my Sphinx form. Hawkmoth's red and white outfit was replaced with a suit of purple and a facemask as my wings sprouted from my shoulders and fur covered my body. He twirled his cane and bowed with a flourish.

"Hawkmoth at your service, Agent Sphinx." He said, looking like he was enjoying himself. 

"Yeah, thanks, I got that. Now hold out your hands," I demanded, pulling a bracelet off my wrist. With a push of a button two links separated, becoming handcuffs. "By the authority of C.L.A.W. and the allegiance of Superheroes, your are under arrest for terrorizing the City of Paris." Hawkmoth frowns, looking vexed and irritated. 

"What is the meaning of this?"

"My mission was to stop whoever was causing the akuma attacks on Paris," I explain. "By arresting you, I am doing just that. Now put up your hands." Hawkmoth glares, then abruptly turns and paces back and forth for a second with the contained anger of a caged tiger. Another rumble of thunder shakes the room but we barely notice it. 

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