Chapter 8 : Two Against One

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I stumbled out of a pile of rubble that used to be a chimney and shook my head, dazed. What the h*** just happened?

I'd been flying...I'd seen Chat Noir and attempted an attack...then something pulled me out of the dive and slammed me into the chimney like a feathery wrecking ball.

I spotted a figure in red, standing next to the blond in black, coiling up the yo-yo she held in one hand. The Bug with the yo-yo...that's what grabbed me. I was really beginning to hate her.

They were looking and pointing at me, jabbering in French. Unfortunately for me, I had taken off without A.L.F.I. AGAIN. I was really going to have to find a better way to carry around my translator if I was supposed to understand everyone here. I heard the word "akuma," said twice, and I growled in frustration. They were probably planning out how to make this seem like another akumatization, make it look good for the media. I shook off the last of the rubble and lashed my tail angrily. They could talk all they wanted, but if they thought I'd be easy to take down, they were going to be very disappointed.

* * *

"C'est évidemment une autre victime d'Akuma du Papillon" Chat Noir dit pensivement.
"Je l'ai vue ce matin, pendant l'attaque du Dr Jurassic. Je pensais qu'elle était l'une de ses créations cependant." Ladybug a répondu.
"Comment pourrait-il créer à la fois des sphinx et des dinosaures?"
Chat Noir dit, se grattant la tête.
"nous avons déjà vu des créatures mythiques, n'est-ce pas, Kitty?"

"chaque fois que je regarde dans un miroir, ma dame" Chat Noir a dit avec un clin d'oeil.
Ladybug roula les yeux.
"C'est possible Le papillon a créé deux victimes d'akuma en une journée." Ladybug dit pensivement.
Ils regardèrent tous les deux la créature, elle grogna contre eux et sa queue fouettée d'avant en arrière.
"Je pense que son akuma est dans cette amulette autour de son cou."
Ladybug a dit.

Chat Noir s'accroupit, prêt à bondir.
"Voyons voir, ma dame." Chat Noir a répondu.

* * *

Both villains looked at me, seeming to come to an agreement. Chat Noir crouched, looking like he was ready to attack. Ladybug twirled her yo-yo, the toy becoming a blur of red that covered her like a shield.

They seemed to charge me as a unit, moving toward me in a series of blurring handsprings that ended with both leaping high into the air, staff and yo-yo whirring in circles as I shot up into the air to meet them. I beat my wings powerfully, spiraling up and lashing out with my back leg. It managed to catch Chat Noir in the chest and he collided with Ladybug, sending them both towards the ground. I stayed aloft, waiting as they wobbled to their feet, somewhat stunned.

Good, now they know how I feel, I thought viciously. Now I just had to keep them fighting until...what was it Gabriel Agreste said? Ladybug uses her Lucky Charm and Chat Noir uses his Cataclysm. I wished I knew what that meant but apparently "I would know it when I saw it."

Something hard hit me in the shoulder and I dipped slightly, howling in pain. Were they actually throwing pieces of rubble at me? I glared at the two villains, who had set up some sort of slingshot system on the roof. I dodged the next two pieces and dove, claws out, aiming at Ladybug, who was using her yo-yo string to propel the stones at me. At the last second, Chat Noir jumped in front of Ladybug, whirling his staff and I collided into him, the force of my dive cannoning us onto the next roof over, and for the second time in one night I found myself pressed against Chat Noir's chest.

"Tables are turned now, aren't they pussycat?" I said as I sat up, pinning him easily to the ground. Chat looked up, started.

"You speak English? You're an American?" He asked.

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