Chapter 19 : The Winning Team

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"[Y/N]," Ladybug yelled, "Stay behind Chat and I! We'll protect you!"

"You got a plan, Milady?" Chat asked, gripping his staff.

"Keep [Y/N] safe, get out of here in one piece!" A spear whistled over her head and she pushed me to the ground. "Stay down!" She ordered, planting herself in front of me and twirling her yo-yo until it became a red blur in front of her.

"Uh, if you know my real name, which – remind me again how you did that?"

"We did a little research based on your Agent name." Chat said, taking position next to Ladybug.

"Okay, not sure how I feel about that, but if you did any research then you know I have field experience!" Neither superhero moved from their position in front of me. "Uh guys? I know how to fight! I can help!"

"You're not in your Sphinx form, you could be hurt." Ladybug pointed out.

"May I also point out that we just discovered the biggest cheat code in this whole body stealing experience? And that is that I have a say in what happens here too now?"

The hoard was closer now, a nightmarish crowd of ancient warriors screaming at the top of their lungs.

"And I can say things like...I wish there was a giant, fifty-foot wall protecting us?"

On command, an ancient-looking wall rose up out of the ground, surrounding us and blocking our view of the ghostly army. I heard a few small thumps and curses from the other side – there was a good chance that some of the soldiers hadn't been able to stop and had run straight into the wall.

"She's got a good point, Milady." Chat said, helping me to my feet. Ladybug looked unconvinced.

"It's still too dangerous for her without her Sphinx form." She said, crossing her arms.

"Well, at least this wall gives us a few minutes to plan a way to defeat her...alter-ego?" Chat shrugged his shoulders. "I'm not sure what you would call this Sphinx that's trying to take over her body."

"Call her evil! Cuz that's what she is!" I retort.

"Regardless, Chat is right, we should think up a plan now that we have this opportunity." Ladybug interjected. "Chat Noir, why don't you peek over the wall and see what the Sphinx's army is doing?"

"As you wish, milady." Chat replied with a sweeping bow. He leapt up, claws digging into the brick and mortar, carefully scaling the wall until he got to the top and lifted his head so he could peer over. An instant later he ducked as an arrow zipped by, narrowly missing one of his ears.

"Yeow! That was close!" He yelped, leaping down. "I almost got a new type of ear piercing. I know I'm a trendsetter but I'm not sure I could pull that look off."

"Chat be serious." Ladybug scolded. "What did you see up there?"

"It hurts my feelings you're not a little more concerned about my n-ARROW escape, My Lady." Chat joked, rubbing his ear. Ladybug rolled her eyes and put her head in her hand.


"Alright, alright," Chat conceded. "But one of these days you're going to laugh at my clever puns."


"Alright! They're just kinda standing around, looking baffled." He wrinkled his nose scornfully. "I guess they didn't have a plan beyond charging and screaming."

A heavy THUD shook the wall, causing us all to jump. Chat's tail stood on end in alarm.

"What was that?" Ladybug's eyes looked huge behind her mask.

Spirit of the Sphinx || Miraculous Fan Fiction ( Chat Noir X Ladybug X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now