"What is it?! If it has to do with Kai, I'll kill you." She deadpanned, probably scaring jacob a lot more than he already is.

"Well..I uh.. Mia.. She told me to..bring Alva." He grabbed my shoulders and shoved me in front of him, coming eye to eye with Kiara.

I stood awkwardly in front of her and she was basically synchronizing me with her eyes.

"Hey?" I waved awkwardly, with a fake smile plastered on my face hoping she'd stop looking at me like some weird experiment gone wrong.

"Who is she?" She stood up straight with her arms crossed over her chest, directing the question and her gaze to Jacob.

I could finally breathe properly.

"You're new roommate." He grinned and I face palmed myself.

Kiara turned to look back at me, a rather displeasing look on her face. I could already tell that she didn't want me for a roommate and right now, neither did I.

"A roommate?" She sneered, her voice laced with total displeasure.

She was already pushing me off the edge with her snobbish behavior.

I absolutely hate snobs.

"You woke me up to tell me I have a new roommate." She looked at Jacob with a glare that could kill. Thankfully looks can't kill or Jacob would be ashes by now.

Jacob didn't respond and this bitch just pulled the last straw.

"Look Missy, I understand your sleep is really important to you but that doesn't mean you get to talk or look at us that way. If Jacob brought me here, to be your roommate, which after this probably won't be happening.." I whispered that part to myself. "Anyway, you shouldn't talk for him that way. I'm not so keen on being your roommate either so I'll spare you the trouble." I turned to look at Jacob. "Let's to Jacob." I turned to walk away.

"Wait!" Kiara called out, stopping me in my tracks. She stood with one hand holding her door then she pushed it completely open, a smile on her face.

"Get your ass in roomie." Her face broke into a wide toothy smile.

What in the fudge is going on here?

I looked between her and Jacob, confused.

Kiara was already laughing along with Jacob, his arm was around her shoulder and hers was around his waist.

"You're such a fucking tease Kiara. You know that right?"

"Oh Jake. I had to have a little fun. She looks like the feisty type. I had to."

If I wasn't already confused by what was going on, I'd be upset about it.

"Someone explain to me what the fudge is going on." I placed my hands on my hips, waiting for them to stop laughing.

It wasn't even that funny.

"Hey, I'm Kiara. I'm sure you already know that. What's your name?" She said, walking up to me and holding her hand out. I had second thoughts about shaking her hand so I just looked between her and Jacob till she grabbed my hand in hers, shaking me against my will.

I felt violated.

"I don't bite. I'm totally harmless." She still hadn't stopped smiling. Doesn't her face hurt?

I thought to myself.

"Well, I'll leave you girls to get along. I have duties to get back to. Alva, I'll have one of the workers bring your things up for you." He turned to leave, not catching onto my silent pleas for him to stay.

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