Chapter 8: The Ashes Beneath the Embers

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Ember stepped behind a thin curtain of Embeerian silk she undressed and pulled a small lever to her right, a steady stream of water poured down on her. "Ah!" She yelped. Ember knocked on the wall, "Uh, Diablo, it's a little cold." She said. A muffled roar came from inside the wall, and the water started to steam, "Thanks Diablo!" She called. She sighed and combed her hands through her hair, water trailed down her horns, her dark wings and her tanned back. But then, thick streams of black ink trailed down as well, Ember wiped some of the ink dripping down her collar bone, "I wish there was an easier way of doing this." She said rolling her eyes. Ember rinsed the ink out of her hair, starting with the redish colour at her roots, and slowly progressing down to the yellow at the tips. Ember looked down at her hair, "Heh, she'll never figure it out." She said smugly.

Ember pulled the lever back up and stepped out. Outside of the window, the world was dark, Ember dried her hair. Little strands of her flame coloured hair fell to the ground, dancing and twirling before falling dead on the stone tile floor. 'I wouldn't say I'm a psychopath, but I love to play games with her.' She thought. 'Hmm... maybe tonight.' Ember walked over to her large bed: it was made of a deep red wood, the four posts reached up to a dark purple canopy, the sheets were a lighter purple silk and at the foot of the bed was a thick blanket of a furry pelt.

Ember layed down on the bed, she took a small orb off of her necklace, threw it in the air, it enlarged and then bared the image of Cris. Cris was pacing holes in the floor, she was sleepless and anxious, 'Maybe I can relax you.' Ember said through Cris' mind. 'Well well well, if it isn't my mystery woman.' Cris thought. 'What do you want?' Cris asked. 'I saw what I wanted, so now I'm going after her.' Ember said. 'I've been watching you ever since my sister met you.' Ember said. 'Sister?' Cris asked. 'Tsk tsk Captain, we're going to play first.' Ember said. Cris smiled coyly, 'As you wish.'

Cris layed down and closed her eyes, 'go to sleep, I will make you come to me.' Ember instructed. Ember saw Cris lay down, she grabbed the orb and flew down to her room in the caves. "Father, don't disturb me please." She said. Ember layed down on the bed that was covered in the same linens, she didn't want Cris to find out everything quite yet. She threw the orb, 'Crimson?' She asked. 'I'm here.' Said Cris.

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