Chapter Twenty-One

Beginne am Anfang

"We don't need your trust," Katsuro snapped immediately. He stepped up beside me and pushed me behind him slightly. I was surprised at the act of protectiveness toward me. "Our job is to assist the Matsuda family line. We are to protect them and aid them when our master calls upon us. We don't answer to anyone else but (Y/N). We don't need anyone else's trust but (Y/N)'s." He turned back to look at me. "You trust us, don't you?" I nodded fiercely. The two demons had quickly become good friends with me. They had never intentionally put me in harms way, and I highly doubted they would start now.

"If you can't trust me because I work along the sides of two demons and call them my friends then that's fine," I announced. "They chose me, and I intend to keep them." I saw Shura smirk.

"That's my girl," she said. "Not afraid to stand up for what she believes in." I blushed at her comment. As I surveyed the eyes of the Myoda sect, they seemed a little unsure, but there was still trust in their eyes. "I think that's enough for today," Shura said, coming toward me. "You're barely able to stand at this point."

Only then did I notice that my legs were shaking with the effort of keeping the two demons here. I could feel the tug on my chest which was the connection between me and the demons. I smiled at them and released the connection. They disappeared and two rings were left in their place. I finally gave into the exhaustion I was feeling and fell to my knees. Shura grabbed me around the shoulders to prevent me from falling the rest of the way.

"Are you alright?" she asked me. I nodded with a smile. It was going to take a while for them to get used to summoning the demons, but I knew it was going to be a fulfilling journey.

{Line Break}

"(Y/N), this isn't just running away from he demon, this is a training exercise!" Mr. Tsubaki yelled from his platform above the pit in the gym. I was currently running away from the reapers as they lazily chased me. They were big demons and it didn't help that they resembled frogs. I hated frogs. I was such a scaredy cat. They were obviously feeding off my fear as I ran, or tried to run. Tried being the operative word. Running for extended amount of time was not my strong point. My back with cramping up as I gasped desperately for air.

I didn't have enough air or energy to rebuke as I continued to run. In my exhausted state, I managed to trip over my own feet like the clumsy person I was. I turned and threw my hands up in front of my face for a weak attempt at protection. There was a flash of light, and when I opened my eyes my eyes were greeted with a view of Kitiara's back.

I gasped at the sight of her. I hadn't even tried to summon her, and here she was, pushing the demon away from me. All of the reapers seemed to be extremely frightened of her and were now cowering in their changes. I quickly remembered that both Kitiara and the reapers were kin of Egyn, but Kitiara was more powerful which frightened the lesser demons.

"My goodness, what have you done, (Y/N)?" the physical education teacher exclaimed from above me. He was staring at me with wide eyes as I sat on the floor, just as shocked as he was.

"Oops?" I said hesitantly, shrugging my shoulders, unsure of what to say.

"What do you mean by 'oops,' Miss (L/N)?" he exclaimed. "You can't just accidentally summon demons!" I blushed as I was at a loss for words because that's exactly what had happened.

"If fine, (Y/N)," Kitiara said with that stunning smile of hers. "Now that you know how to summon us it must be hard not to." She stuck out her hand for me to take and helped me up.

"Uh, thanks for the save anyway," I said, looking down. I could feel the eyes of my fellow classmates burning into my back. They were not aware I had finally summoned my demons. I released her hand as well as the connection between us and she disappeared, leaving he blue ring in her place.

I jumped at the sound of a phone ringing and looked up to see Mr. Tsubaki on his phone. His earlier frustration with me had vanished into thin air. "On my way, my kitty!" he practically screamed before racing off. We knew the drill by now as this happened just about every week. I sighed and made my way toward the ladder that allowed me to climb out of training area.

When I was finally out, I was assaulted by questions from Rin, Shima, Konekomaru, and Shiemi. They were all asking me how I did it and who Kitiara was. "Give her some room to breath, and maybe she'll explain it to you," Bon's deep voice boomed over the clammer. I sent him a small smile of thanks and went to sit on the floor by his feet. He sat next to me, and I leaned against this side as I looked at the others who were now sitting, staring at me expectantly.

For the next few minutes, I explained what had happened and who Kitiara was. I was not willing to summon them again as I was already exhausted and didn't want to make it worse. I refused to share the secret of the Sister Swords and how I was able to summon them without a blood seal. That was a secret I was going to keep for myself to share with the next wielder of my bloodline. I blushed at that thought. I was going to have to provide the next possible wielder.

"What are blushing about?" Bon asked.

"Nothing!" I squeaked. He looked at me incredulously and shook his head.

"Come on," Bon said and stood up. "We can leave now, class is over," he huffed. I knew he was frustrated from our teacher leaving and not getting to have his turn with the reapers. We parted ways to head to our separate locker rooms.

This is my new responsibility. To wield the Sister Swords and learn as much as I possibly can about them.

So, the ending was meh, but I was rushing and didn't now how to end it sooooo. Yeah, we'll the rest of the chapter was pretty good. Anyway, thank you all see you next time!

The Boy with the Two Toned Hair (Bon X Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt